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I love my mommy.


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I dunno about you guys, but I can talk to my mom about anything, and I love her for it. Not in a Porkchop family kind of way though...


So anyway, we talk about everything. But I don't think anyone cares. But she cheered me up alot today so I'm making a thread about her.


Also my mom killed a guy who kidnapped her. Which makes her hardcore. So bassically this is like the fathersday thread but for mommys. Since mothers day already passed, I don't wanna call it Mothersday thread. But yeah... Here are some highlights of our convo...


Prone2Savageness (9:10:27 AM): How is that going?

mommy (9:10:33 AM): regularly

Prone2Savageness (9:10:36 AM): Ew.

mommy (9:10:54 AM): Don't ask, if you don't want to know, silly

Prone2Savageness (9:10:58 AM): Oh it's okay.

mommy (9:11:04 AM): I figured

Prone2Savageness (9:11:11 AM): Mines regular too. But I use protection.

Prone2Savageness (9:11:16 AM): Anal sex is protection right?

mommy (9:11:25 AM): absolutely!

Prone2Savageness (9:11:30 AM): Awesome.


Prone2Savageness (11:08:10 AM): For all I know we could be married.

Prone2Savageness (11:08:14 AM): Or divorced.

Prone2Savageness (11:08:24 AM): Or not even talking.

Prone2Savageness (11:08:36 AM): But I think I had my penis inside her last night. So as far as I know we are talking.

mommy (11:08:49 AM): that's not talking

Prone2Savageness (11:08:55 AM): We talked a little.

Prone2Savageness (11:09:02 AM): "Oh how does it feel?" "Good"

Prone2Savageness (11:09:04 AM): Stuff like that.

Prone2Savageness (11:09:06 AM): Talking.

mommy (11:09:07 AM): eewwww

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

You talk to your mom about sex?? All my Mom talks to me about it my bowel movements, and if I am getting enough fiber in my diet.

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Oh haha. But him and his mom didn't love eachother. I love my mom. That whole side of my family is really weird like that, nobody has any boundries I guess. It really creeps people out at first. I talk the same way with my grandma too. Which people think is even weirder. But my grandma is only in her early 60's. And she's a big hippie.


All she does is smoke weed and pop pills and shit. One time I had a sore throat and she gave me some cough syrup. So I took it, and I found out after that it had codine in it. Then I passed out.


I love my family. I wouldn't want any other one, everyone knows I write and is really supportive. It's alot easier to talk to your family about things then it is to hide it...


I dunno. My family just makes me happy.

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You need to elaborate on this.


As I understand it, a guy my mom was talking to went insane. Something about drugs, this was the late 70's. And tied her up in a garage. My mom eventually got out and grabbed a knife and stabbed the guy to death...

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It is rad that our parents are able to have a open conversation about our REAL LIFE. I still know a grip of people who can't tell their parents they smoke weed or drink. That shit's lame and should be put to an immediate halt.

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word i have/do talk to my mom about everything as well. she doesn't always like what she hears, but she agrees that honesty is better than not knowing at all.


word to cool moms.


oh and EastBayPowerhouse, you're mom stabbing dude= gully + props button.

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