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I'm gunna make a trip to NY/NJ, visit my boy's family and paint some, always fun when we go out there


Gunna go visit my grandma in Virginia, also paint


Make a trip to Boston for a few days, paint and act stupid, but that doesn't mean much since it's only like a 1 hour drive from here


Visit Canada for a week or so...and you guessed it, I'mma paint while I'm there. That and get drunk as fuck legally in a strip club

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What happened to Dr. Dazzle and his girl coming to Europe? Did they leave already? I think I totally missed them....

naw i think they are still there. Im heading to Vancouver for a week tomorrow but Ive become super sick which sucks

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  • 2 months later...

As some of you may know, I my plans to travel about 4 or 5 months ago got cancelled, but now Im gearing up for a 'Mission of Debaurchy pt2'.

Im thinking Lower westcoast America, Brazil and possibly Puerto rico. Or Western Europe and some Scandinavia.

If any of you are from these areas, lets hear you talk it up!

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