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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Stuff you might have missed in last nights episode



Juliet's sister's pregnancy test is, of course, Widmore Labs brand! This is the third Widmore pregnancy test we've seen. First, the one used by Sun. Second, the one used by Kate. And now it pops up again.


Hanso and DeGroot make appearances - footage seen in the Orientation video. And... a bunch of crazy stuff. I'm not responsible for anything that happens to your brain while looking at these images


Another Oceanic plane was spotted in 3x07, a nice little easter egg for Oceanic fans. The ubiquitous airline flashes its tail again.


The name Mittelos is an anagram for LOST TIME....hmmmmm


The bus that smashes Juliet's ex husband is bearing a nice little easter egg: An Apollo Bar advertisement. There's nothing more refreshing after seeing someone smashed by a city bus than a chocolaty chewy Apollo Bar.

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  • 2 weeks later...
At the end of the orientation video pictures, the dude in the suit standing between the two poles with the blue swirly aura-shit around his head.....the leader of Dharma? Sort of like L. Ron Hubbard worshipping by scientologists.


Alvar Hanso from the Hanso Foundation, the people who created the Darmha Initiative.

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i bought seasons 1 and 2 on dvd. i just finished season 2.


holy shit!


i'm downloading ep 1 of season 3 right now.


i am officially addicted to this show!


best shit i've seen on tv in a long, long time!



It really helps all the suspense to watch them on DVD but it kind of sucks watching them when they air, just because of the commercials.

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just got caught up today.


with viewers dwindling by half this season, and the writers saying they already have 5 seasons worth of episodes planned, will things get resolved before the show loses all its momentum. they arent really answering questions just making more and more with each show. when will it end?

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that bus hit like that has been used in like eight different movies. its not a felicity rip, its just well used territory.


But Felicity was the first show JJ Abrams created. I'm not saying that he ripped off the whole "hit by a bus" idea, but rather that he recycled it from his own show. Same thing with the whole " a tiny bomb has been implanted in your brain" thing from MI 3 and Alias.


And the bus thing was literally set up (plotwise and shot-wise) identically on the two shows.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Stuff you might have missed




In 3x9, "Stranger in a Strange Land", Juliet is facing execution for killing fellow Other, Danny Pickett. The execution is waived when Jack makes another deal with Ben Linus. Jack agrees to treat the infection Ben is suffering from, and nurse him back to health. In exchange, Ben must intercede on Juliet's behalf and stop the execution. In place of the execution, Ben orders Juliet to be "marked". A symbol is burned into her lower back. This is the first time we have seen this symbol in Lost. It is unclear at this point what purpose the mark serves, other than it would appear to make her somewhat of an outsider amongst the group.




In "Flashes Before Your Eyes", Desmond visits Charles Widmore at Widmore Industries in London. In the office hang two paintings. One depicts a polar bear, Buddha, and the word "Namaste". The other painting was seen in the first season of Lost, in episode 1x10, "Raised by Another". In that episode, we meet Claire's boyfriend, Thomas, who she believes to be the father of her child. Thomas is an artist, and we see several of his paintings in Claire's flashbacks. One of the painting in "Raised by Another" is identical to the painting seen hanging in Widmore's office in "Flashes Before Your Eyes". The strange thing? "Flashes Before Your Eyes" takes place BEFORE "Raised by Another". Is this merely a prop error, or is something else in play?



Yeah, this episode did suck...no questions where answered besides "what happened to the other people that where taken"..


Booooo, if it doesnt start picking up I might not watch anymore.

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Nah, the past one with Desmond was ill, it was a fresh and creative spin on the flashbacks.


I think they definitely know where to take it. After the revelation during the Lost Experience of what the numbers mean and what DHARMA wants to do with them, it's pretty clear to me that the show is about fate and whether we can change it or not (that's precisely what DHARMA's experiments on the island are for). The overlying theme of the show has been about fate since day one, and the conflict between the scientific and the more faith-based views on the subject.


So I guess there's gonna be a resolution on this subject by the end, what I'd like to see is who wins out, reason or emotion. It's bound to divide reactions sharply, and I think the writer's biggest challenge is satisfying both camps equally.

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The desmond one had me super bored for some reason, i think mainly it was because they broke the half-half rule of flashbacks and parallel action.

Correct that, it was because parallel action was amazingly dull on the island when all you really wanted to know was whats up with jack, sawyer and kate.


As far as where they wanna take it, agreed, i knew that already but i'm mostly talking about their strategy of how they roll episode to episode. I think now they have 3 fronts and its not in their best interest.

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Yeah. I think they've thrown in way too many characters, and I'm almost sure there's another set of "Others" (dude with the eyepatch) we've yet to learn about. I just wish they go back to the original characters for at least two straight episodes, most of the audience's emotional investment has been on them and there's still a lot of unfinished business on that end to just completely forget about them and focus on the Others.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Uhh Ohhh


"There was no love for LOST on Valentine's day. Last week, LOST was met with the lowest ratings ever since the island-drama premiered in 2004. Was heart-day responsible for the fall-off in viewership? Perhaps so. But tonight, the stakes are high. Although Desmond's wrinkle through time in "Flashes Before Your Eyes" may not have set well with some LOST fans (7.49 average SWLS user rating), tonight's episode, "Stranger in a Strange Land", focuses on LOST lead Jack Shepard. The ninth episode of the third season of LOST could spell series trouble if ratings remain low."

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