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australia ahoy!


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Going to fuck Mr. ABC, you mean...


That's a lot of money. He must be damn good in bed...


why, danny tanner, i have no idea what youre talking about. my teacher taught thomas kinkaid. i laugh about it every now and then. some day im going to make fun of him for it.

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i didnt really read through them too much, it was more just their existence and the reminder that life often takes you down very strange paths. its funny both how much and how little things have changed since then.

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Recognise the real.


Dude was the king. This was proven when he had sex with his bests mates wife in the bathroom at his friends party.


They should have gotten rid of Stevens. For real.


I used to hate the guy until I watched him play with my own eyes. Dude was an extremely dirty player. I can dig that.

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Stay away from the nullabour (check a movie called wolf creek to see why), everybody in sydney is gay, melbourne's cold and wet (but was voted the worlds most liveable city 2 years in a row), adelaide is boring and full of churches, brisbane is full of tourists, but very sunny, don't even think about going to hobart, perth is beautiful but with a small country town mentality, darwin is dry, very very hot and very very dusty.


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go to healsville in victoria.

you will see native animals.

in a sorta nice enviroment.


where else?

just go to pubs and get hella blotto on cheap piss.

im sure you will meet some intresting people.


and you gota lern how to make crack-a-jack racist remarks that dont seem racist but are, in a nice racist way. youll catch on.


and the bbq cleche, its true.

monday - sunday. bbq's.

evan if its wet. just cook a bbq on the stove top.


its PISSING down im melbs at the moment.

i want to go walkabouts.

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I second that^^^^ (comment about Sysdney not natives)

yeah melbourne has amore thriving graff (they've never had the buff while we've suffered 15 years of it) scene and probably better music venues but it's not all shit in sydney we do have an awesome harbour and beautiful surroundings. Cost of living is bit more here but it's worth it!

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and you won't see a single one of those animals!




except at the zoo.




I have Kangaroos down the road form me.....

Dingos you will find up north aswell as wombats and all the other jazz, koalas are more east....But the east coast blows, come to the westcoast....and before you come whatch the movie "Wolf Creek" its a good guide....

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I second that^^^^ (comment about Sysdney not natives)

yeah melbourne has amore thriving graff (they've never had the buff while we've suffered 15 years of it) scene and probably better music venues but it's not all shit in sydney we do have an awesome harbour and beautiful surroundings. Cost of living is bit more here but it's worth it!



And one of the biggest GAY capitals of the WORLD!:yuck:

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west side is the best side.

visit perth you wont regret it.

but yeah dont just lurk in cities venture into the "outback".


whoever made the comment about racist jokes is very much on point. people use racist terms in there speach and humour but are in no way racist. its entertaining.

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