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All religion is made up nonsense.


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For real. Most religions were made up (and i do mean made up, like a light bulb appeared over a dudes head and he was like, fuck yes, Scientology!) right?


Religious scholars openly admit that sections of the Bible are contradictory, have been translated so many times that they have lost their meaning, or were just plain made up by the people writing it to suite the times.


I was raised Catholic. I went through about 6 years of Sunday school. I cant say that i have ever in my life seen any kind of actual evidence of any major religion. Some would argue that thats the point, that believing requires faith. Others would argue that thats the beauty of religion: that it enforces and unprovable and therefore un attackable belief system used to keep certain people/kings/governments in power and or wealthy.


Or am i just missing out on the real shit?

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Oh and i figured id throw in the fact that i dont really give a shit what anyone anywhere does, says, or chooses to worship as long as its not affecting anybody else in a bad way, and likewise id never tell anybody that what i believe is the one truth or even right for that matter cause i aint that fuckin smart.







but come on, scientology? ALIENS SOULS COMING OUT OF A VOLCANO.

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gods cause love religion causes wars and hate.


it's not who you beleive in but how you worship gods that cause wars people believe that the way they worship god is the rigt way and there should be no other way fuck religion all it causes are wars.

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"Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear. It is partly the terror of the unknown and partly, as I have said, the wish to feel that you have a kind of elder brother who will stand by you in all your troubles and disputes. Fear is the basis of the whole thing -- fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand-in-hand. It is because fear is at the basis of those two things. In this world we can now begin a little to understand things, and a little to master them by the help of science, which has forced its way step by step against the Christian religion, against the churches, and against the opposition of all the old precepts. Science can help us to get over this craven fear in which mankind has lived for so many generations. Science can teach us, and I think our own hearts can teach us, no longer to look around for imaginary supports, no longer to invent allies in the sky, but rather to look to our own efforts here below to make this world a fit place to live in, instead of the sort of place that the churches in all these centuries have made it."


—Bertrand Russell, "Why I Am Not a Christian" (3/6/27)


Atheists get down.

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Originally posted by mr.yuck@Mar 21 2006, 11:26 PM

What if when you are dreaming you are actually awake and when you are awake, that is you dreaming? Thats deep.




but when it comes down to it... i think all we are is some GOD's dream


or could be...


but i've seen and delt with the politics of good and evil

angels and demons

BUT i can go into a christian church and say, "HEY, I SEE AND FIGHT A WAR THAT THE BIBLE TALKS ABOUT AND I WANT YOU TO SEE WITH YOUR EYES OPEN TOO". and when they see what im talkin about.... im no longer invited to bible study... and am no longer welcomed to the church...


my mom thinks im a little too psychic for my own good



i used to have faith in mankind, but the more i teach.. the more people hate me.. even if they see it for themselves, they get scared and run away







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i dunno about the organised stuff but i reckon that watch theory is gotta be right.all this can't be really made from fluke. i reckon there is some place after death what it is i geuss i'll see.

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And on some serious tip:

it took me about 4 years to stop fearing the Lutheran God. When I was about 11 I stopped believing in religion, only in the Bible. Then I realized "hey the bible was written by a bunch of men, poppycock" and stopped believing in all organized religion, however this took me a shitload of time because although I could say "I dont believe in God, per se" Id duck down in fear that "God's" thunderous hand would smush me into the cement. Which basically meant I still believed in him.


Ive said this a million times before (probably on the board as well) but personally I think religion (in all forms) is an inability to believe in oneself. People feel that they must pray to a 'higher being' for salvation, love, luck, etc. So on, so forth, I dont feel like getting into it. Holla.

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Originally posted by deformatron@Mar 22 2006, 07:44 AM

I was raised Catholic. I went through about 6 years of Sunday school. I cant say that i have ever in my life seen any kind of actual evidence of any major religion. Some would argue that thats the point, that believing requires faith. Others would argue that thats the beauty of religion: that it enforces and unprovable and therefore un attackable belief system used to keep certain people/kings/governments in power and or wealthy.


Or am i just missing out on the real shit?



I think you could easily say both are true. What you have to remember is the manipulation of relgion as methods of control are always contradictory to the basic idea's behind relgions at large.


In short the things that make relgion bad has nothing to do with idea's of God or a path to spirituality. Its just humans mis understanding, or getting greedy and fucking things up.

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Originally posted by mr.yuck+Mar 22 2006, 04:26 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (mr.yuck - Mar 22 2006, 04:26 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>What if when you are dreaming you are actually awake and when you are awake, that is you dreaming? Thats deep.


I thought about this when I was little, but it was more along the lines of what if our lives were just a dream?

I thought that maybe we were the dreams of giants.

My rationale was that I dream about things, people, and situations. These all have to fit in our head. So obviously they are smaller than us. If we were to be dreams, the ones dreaming about us would have to be much larger.


<!--QuoteBegin-Pfffffffffft@Mar 22 2006, 04:32 AM

i live in the bible belt..


you guys dont even know the half of whats thats like...




Word. I live in the uber-conservative part of Houston.


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Also, I have a theory.

The main concept of a religion is to keep a certain group of people alive so that they may a) live and b) spread the religion.

It is a set of beliefs and morals that if everyone follows, everyone should be able to live a long life.

For a long time, most major organized religions wouldn't allow people to eat pigs. This is because the animals were unclean and, in those days, easily caused sickness because people usually didn't store/prepare them properly.

Christianity teaches patience, love for the fellow man, and sharing. All of these things make for a happy community.

Were it a worldwide thing (aka everyone bought into it) life would be assuredly peachy.


Or at least that's the point of most religions from the way I see it.


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"Ive said this a million times before (probably on the board as well) but personally I think religion (in all forms) is an inability to believe in oneself. People feel that they must pray to a 'higher being' for salvation, love, luck, etc. So on, so forth, I dont feel like getting into it. Holla. "


-i like that.


how could one start to argue that god is real?

"well theres a bible, you wouldn't hav that without god"


yer its just a novel, i rekon that in a couple thousand years people will think that gandalf is god when someone discovers a dusty copy of the lord of the rings underneath their space station.

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the way i see it were all our own god. were all apart of everything and everything is a part of us (me). ever thought about the fact that something doesnt exist untill you know about it? when your mum told you the world doestn revolve around you she was wrong. it does. your write in the middle of the whole world. everything is above, below, infront of or behind you . and without you there is nothing. thats the way i see things. nothing matters unless i let it matter. im god because i am everything. im sure thats difficult to understand because it's hard to explain. you might get were im headed though.

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