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pay'n dem bills


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^ you (balki) should do a little re-invention.


ask yourself what you want to be doing,

then get a plan together and figure out how to do it.

It doesn't take a lot to light a fire under you ass,

just start something and see how far it takes you.



I'm not trying to sound like some guidance teacher or some bullshit,

but yeah... you have to risk it to win it.

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if you hate payin bills so much go build a fucking teepee and live in the desert, collect your water from a local stream, and use a firepit for heat

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I got money for ME, but I used to have a fucking gang of cash backing my carefree lifestyle, now I still live carefree but I don't have all those zeros.My credit card is clean and my student loans on its way out...after thatstudent loans outta here I'll a have a fucking retarded amount of money laying around.

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