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Movie Recommendation Thread

H. Lecter

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Yo check out "Bomb the system" That shit is word! seriously that flick is what graf is about. the way the whole image is what graf is. It is a life form. it is what u want to get out of life. GRAF IS LIFE, SHOW LIVE WHAT GRAF IS AND WHAT IT WILL BECOME..........

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One of the best documentaries about graff-related artist I have ever seen is out on DVD, called






See preview trailer here, click Inside Outside top left corner:



Inside Outside

With just one spot of red paint between the eyes the Parisian artist ZEVS, executes the advertising industry's images of perfect humans. 'People don't think about the force of advertising,' says Zevs and continues, 'But with just one psst I remove the force. No one wants to be identified with a dead person so advertising looses its effect'. ZEVS calls his action 'Visual Attack', and he has executed billboards worth millions around Paris. At the same time, ZEVS is a respected artist who exhibits all around the world. "Inside Outside" follows ZEVS and other so-called street artists from New York, Stockholm, Copenhagen and São Paulo. They all make a living off their art, but they also have an urge to exhibit their work illegally in the streets.


INSIDE OUTSIDE is a film about the energy artists get when working in the street. An energy they're missing when exhibiting in galleries and museums, an energy that brings life to their art and to their own lives.


It´s an energy that's partly caused by the fact that everything these artists do in the street is illegal; "Anything that gives you security is eventually going to restrict you at some point", says Swoon about the art galleries.


The artists featured in INSIDE OUTSIDE all face some kind of dilemma with the restrictions and norms of the society they live in, the forces of the commercial art world and the advertising industry who are looking for the next big thing and want to have their bite of the energy and coolness that the street art scene is brimming with.


Meet among others:

ZEVS / Paris

SWOON / KR / EARSNOT/ New York City


ADAMS & ITSO / Stockholm, Copenhagen

RON ENGLISH / Jersey City


As a bonus it features an interview with Steve Mona, Chief of the NYC Vandal Squad

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"Yo check out "Bomb the system" That shit is word! seriously that flick is what graf is about. the way the whole image is what graf is. It is a life form. it is what u want to get out of life. GRAF IS LIFE, SHOW LIVE WHAT GRAF IS AND WHAT IT WILL BECOME.........."



Oh man this post just made my fucking day!!!

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