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Everything posted by smokee

  1. true the person below me has fond memories of Jordan and the bulls dominating the NBA in the 90's
  2. you guys really like this casek guy huh
  3. true the person beow me is feelin kinda down
  4. false the person below me has been to new york
  5. false... more like 48 the person below me drank energy drinks with hard alcohol last night ie: vodka redbull or jaggerbombs
  6. Re: Don't Call it Frisco adek and puzle bombing together? wow, probably the sickest combination ever
  7. you guys take this board wayyyyy too seriously, find a new hobby. do you guys tell your friends and family that you spend countless hours on a graffiti sites chat room? i wonder how they'd feel
  8. false the person below me has a life, and could really give a fuck about a screen name on a chat room
  9. false the person below me is supersticous
  10. ummmm false thats realy shitty of yo to rub it in the person below me needs to trim their pubes
  11. UBER FALSE! the person below me prefers hockey to basketball...
  12. true the person below me has licked chocolate sauce off their significant others genitals :P
  13. false person below me felt guilty about something they ate today
  14. naw, but im crazy at mental math like multiplying big numbers and percentages the person below me got some nookie today
  15. wha-ha-ho false the person below has paid for sex
  16. false person below claims to have seen every episode of Seinfeld
  17. true the person below me like raisins and black licorise
  18. what? the person below me has watched an episode of Beauty and the Geek
  19. true the person below me secretly enjoys the new Mariah track 'touch my body'
  20. fuck i need to vent this somewhere... my girls been away with her fam and best friend all long weekend at a ski resort. turns out they dont get cell phone reception so i've talked to her a total of like 10 minutes over the last days... she tells me saturday morning shes not feeling good and is going to stay in, sunday i hear her and her friend went to the bar and ended up at some frat house and her friend met a 'real nice guy'. fuck that, as much as i trust her we've only been together for 6 months and the lack of communication has been killing me. even if she hadn't gone out, im not used to being shutoff from the person i love like that, it fucking sucks, and shes not making much of an effort to call me, i think theres one payphone thats like 50 cents a minute..... grrr sorry bout the drama... im pretty frustrated right now
  21. that night time nace shot is really cool! kinda creepy... nace forver word up
  22. true the person below me is stressin out about a relationship today
  23. false! the person below me should be working today like myself..
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