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The Skateboard Thread


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OK, maybe someone here can help me with my injury. I started going to work on my skateboard a few weeks ago and I like to skate fast so I was pushing like a maniac, sometimes uphill (this is like 45 minutes after waking up mind you) I did this for a few days and started experiencing some pain in my right hip (i skate regular) so after like 4 days I was like fuck this I need to stop this...the pain went away but now everytime I skate (like spots doing tricks and all that not just pushin around) the pain comes back during the session and even worse the day after...what should I do? just stop skating entirely for like a week or two (goin to be very hard) or take warm baths..tiger baulm?...help please

Get a bike and stop being a pussy.

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yea i guess it's muscular...it hurts worse if i point my foot outwards or inwards...i've been suckin it up for the past 2 weeks but this is knockin every other day of skating off becose of the pain..sometimes i still go out even if it hurts but this is the beggining of june I dont know how im gonna get through the summer like this

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you probably just got some micro tears or over worked the muscle.

if you took a fall or over worked muscle that werent stretched and warmed up you could have easily done that.

best thing to do would just take 4 ibuprofen in the morning

come home and soak in epsom salt for awhile if its really that bad and try to take it easy.


you have to take care of your muscles guys

im sure most of you know this but your muscles getting bigger is basically micro tears in the muscle and the body healing it causing it to grow and fill in the space resulting in a bigger muscle more suited for what you need.

like a rubberband, you know when you over stretch them they get tiny cracks and tears.

dont pop your rubberbands fools.


the more you know


Physical Therapist Oner

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OK, maybe someone here can help me with my injury. I started going to work on my skateboard a few weeks ago and I like to skate fast so I was pushing like a maniac, sometimes uphill (this is like 45 minutes after waking up mind you) I did this for a few days and started experiencing some pain in my right hip (i skate regular) so after like 4 days I was like fuck this I need to stop this...the pain went away but now everytime I skate (like spots doing tricks and all that not just pushin around) the pain comes back during the session and even worse the day after...what should I do? just stop skating entirely for like a week or two (goin to be very hard) or take warm baths..tiger baulm?...help please




Go see a chiropractor.


I had this problem with my lower back, and it turned out to be that my hip went crooked and was pinching a nerve.

He popped that shit straight /nh, and I was as good as new.

Could be that your hip is pinching a nerve in your hip rather than your lower back like it was with me.

Either way, chiropractors are relatively cheap and I'd think that it's worth checking out.

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technically working a muscle is doing just that.

any time you work a muscle you are basically taking it beyond what its supposed to.

seriously muscles are rubber bands, at rest there is no strain but once you push it farther than its comfort zone it loses some of its resistance through small tears in the muscle, amino acids trigger the repair of the muscles through carbohydrates and other sources through your food/vitamin intake.


basically making a muscle strong is working it slow and letting it take care of it self

anything beyond that is setting it back because instead of healing slowly and growing naturally it is being hurt and put on the bench which is a set back.




but the good news is muscles heal very very fast because of their design so muscle injuries are usually short lived as long as you dont continue to do damage.

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OK, maybe someone here can help me with my injury. I started going to work on my skateboard a few weeks ago and I like to skate fast so I was pushing like a maniac, sometimes uphill (this is like 45 minutes after waking up mind you) I did this for a few days and started experiencing some pain in my right hip (i skate regular) so after like 4 days I was like fuck this I need to stop this...the pain went away but now everytime I skate (like spots doing tricks and all that not just pushin around) the pain comes back during the session and even worse the day after...what should I do? just stop skating entirely for like a week or two (goin to be very hard) or take warm baths..tiger baulm?...help please


Hope you heal up fast . :cool:


Don't stop skating , start wearing a white college hat , rock a popped collar & start drinking light faggoty beer , and listen to Nickleback....yeah that shit happened to one of the gnarliest punk rock skate dudes in my area that had a sore hip & knee . Death before dishonor !!!!



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Hope you heal up fast . :cool:


Don't stop skating , start wearing a white college hat , rock a popped collar & start drinking light faggoty beer , and listen to Nickleback....yeah that shit happened to one of the gnarliest punk rock skate dudes in my area that had a sore hip & knee . Death before dishonor !!!!




I think the injury stems from me not skating for over ten years and finally getting back into it thinkin I could just tear it up the way I used to. Im never stopping again..I dont even know why I stopped in the first place..I guess everyone else just fell out of it and I got more into the graffin' and the dancin, andalsothedrinkinglotsabeersin' but im back for good and lovin it..Im takin steps to make an appointement with a Phys. therapist as im typing this hopefully i'll be back to 100% soon...thanks to everyone for the advice

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Go see a chiropractor.

Co-sign this....


I had a skate related back injury when I was younger and could barely walk for days. The pain eventually went away and I never got it checked out. Years later I eventually went to a chiropractor and was informed that my vertebrae were not in the right place and had been pinching nerves for years. Basically, get it checked out now...the sooner things get realigned the better.


JB Gillet & Josh Kalis - Etnies Hi-5

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yea obviously...it wasnt like some crazy steep hill but a slight denivelation (aaoww!) but you could still feel it goin up... my stance now is fuck skateboarding as a mean of transportation. in this city anyway..just not worth it. we have one of the worst road condition in north america. so many crack and potholes it's rediculous

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sorry to change the topic, anybody got some input on blacklabel decks? skate shop got some in, 7,8, tempted to try it since i can get a sweet price on it aswell...


yay or nay?


I love Black Label , but.....I only skate their Emergency line . I'm not too impressed with the current decks they have out . I actually have mixed feeling telling you whether or not to buy one . Go for it , you'll either love it or hate it , there's no middle ground . :lol:

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