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The Skateboard Thread


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I just read this




its really true and its sad that its true


list of distribution companies in skateboarding



That is a dumb rant ... Whoever wrote that is out of touch to begin with.


Skateboarding has never been underground ... maybe a subversive activity but never underground. Kids haven't had to make their own boards since the 70's.


And if you didn't know about all the DC's then you haven't been paying attention ... Fuck.


Just go skate ... who needs skateboarding to fit in a little box that means "this".


And I agree with ABC on the PlanB shit ... a shell of its former glory.


It embodied the sprit of skateboarding in the 90's and it embodies the sprit of consumerism and marketability these days.

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i think your LYING


It's not like saying , " Yeah back when I played for the Dallas Cowboys as a walk-on last year " . :lol:


I really can't remember everyone considered " Pro " I skated with , but here are some of my favorites .


Thomas Morgan

Duane Peters

Christian Svitak

Chad Knight

Jim Gagne

Jason Adams

Matt Hensley

Jeff Grosso


All of them have their own style and were incredibly normal if not the least bit affected by being a " Pro " . Thomas Morgan even gave me a phone # to call if I wanted to skate the Alien Workshop Team Warehouse in Dayton , Ohio . That's probably as cool as Duane Peters letting me ride a 1967 BSA Lightning all around Hunnington Beach for a weekend . I never did call the number , it's a shame because that indoor setup was fucking fun .

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Oh I know , just felt going on a typing rampage . :lol:


Correy Duffel can fucking skate...I just think his approach is borderline Emo and not the least bit Punk , to which he's going for . But he's young and people figure it out or they don't . The ass-tight pants look is ridiculous .

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So while on vacation in Orlando , I met a group of 15-16 year old skaters . They were there with a church group . One of the kids ripped that park in Orlando I was talking about . I got to talking to him and asked who his favorite was . He said Geoff Rowley , which I thought was cool . But then he told me his Pastor told him that Rowley worshipped the Devil . I couldn't fucking believe that bullshit ! Just fucking sad . Poor kid had a sad look on his face when he was telling me it . I told him to keep his Pastor away from me or I'd hit his God-warrior head with my fucking big-ass Black Label . At least he laughed at that .

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