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The Skateboard Thread


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word, i ended up putting the top washer back on after they compressed down a little bit, the bushings by themselves was causing me dead stopping wheelbite and caused me to eat shit a few times. seems to be alright now though.


set up a 2 ft kicker directly into a fence yesterday and did a foot stall about 5 ft up and jumped back to flat. then i set it up to try and wall ride a banner on the fence and some dude kept bitching at me for "fucking up the fence" so i just left. it was fun though.

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One problem for some with Indy's is the top nut . They're generally worthless after a change of bushings . I've always gotten a new top nut from my skate shop for free and never had problems with my truck becoming too loose or have the hangar pop-off .


I've experimented with the pivot cup on the Indy's and usually remove it when I have a new pair , and turn a lot quicker . There's so many variables I could probably write a book based on people's truck setups . :lol:

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One problem for some with Indy's is the top nut . They're generally worthless after a change of bushings . I've always gotten a new top nut from my skate shop for free and never had problems with my truck becoming too loose or have the hangar pop-off .


I've experimented with the pivot cup on the Indy's and usually remove it when I have a new pair , and turn a lot quicker . There's so many variables I could probably write a book based on people's truck setups . :lol:


yes. my front indy used to unscrew all the time,but now i got the right bushing combo down.and the hard,plastic khiro pivot cup is what the old-head sells me cheap cause he doesnt know what it is. he sells the khiro bushing kit broken down,and he sold me 20 taylor made looking pivot cups for 5 bucks!

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fun fact: torey pudwill doesnt actually exist, hes a computer generated image.


on a serious note, it must be so cool to be able to do whatever you feel like on a skateboard. like .. "hey guys check this out, i think im gonna do a switch bs crook 3flip out.. just something i was fucking around with the other day"

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You must be watching the wrong video if you think anything in that entire pudwill part from Hallelujah is sketchy



On an unrelated note, I broke out my board and my camera for the first time in a few years for both yesterday, and met up with crackteeth at a local park. Unfortunately, a bunch of shitty little kids on bikes and scooters were cruising around with no regard for anyone else, so I wasn't able to get any good photos while the light was still out, since i didn't want to get run over by a bike while crouched down and looking the other way through my lens. We tried to get a few shots before it got too late for crack to see anything, but my 40+ year old flash was giving me some grief, so this is all that i really ended up with. Yeah, they're mediocre, i know, but for the circumstances i'll take it. I also really need a wider angle lens. 28mm really wasn't cutting it for the shots that i wanted to be getting.






Crack, if you want the non blurred ones, i can send those your way. Also, I fully intend on getting a good shot of a back smith on the extension during the day when you can actually see what the fuck you're doing, regardless of if it means punching 12 year olds on bikes.

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Your name actually came up yesterday, Celt, when we were talking about how it's all about going fast as fuck and riding tranny.


Bostonsnewestink, we (you, me, crack, any of your friends) should get a serious daytime session going down one of these weekends. Completely take over a park, shred bowls, rip bowls, and shoot photos.



Edit because it doesn't deserve a new post: crack, i completely forgot to pay you for that sheet of grip you got me. sorry bout that. I'll get you next time

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There's 3 people that made me want to skate fast especially at a park : Eric Dressen , John Cardiel & Tommy Guerrero . Those guys skated fast as if their lives depended on it . Plus you don't always nail what you're going for and can make something out of nothing if you have the speed . :cool:


That Bay Village Skate Park I posted pages back is being built right now , and I can't wait to skate it . It's a straight shot more or less down a single road 15 minutes from my house . It's a smaller park but has nice looking flow in the pic , we'll see .



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that session was fuckin` nice, dude. thanks so much for taking those pictures. we need to find a bigger park with more lines though. i seriously think a bigass trip to groton, ct is in order. it's a haul, but honestly, it's got the fastest lines of any park i've been to in the northeast, and it's constantly being rebuilt. here's some pics, but it doesn't show any of the new stuff. there's an (at least) 13 or 14 ft bowl with a BEAUTIFUL brand new pool coping put down on it.




but seriously, if we can get a fuckton of people together for this shit. burgers are on me, no bullshit. and i'll bring a 30 rack of something cheap.


Edit for chupa's edit: don't worry about it, hit me back next time we meet up. it was awesome to just skate with someone that wasn't 12 years old, and knew a damn thing about tranny, haha.

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I remember I stumbled upon those pics about 3 years ago or so . I can't say enough good things about Ace . If you started skating in the 80's you'll appreciate them but without the weight like Gullwings had of a 1/2 ton truck...lol .


Oh yeah and the stock bushings are great and hold up unlike the Orange Indy ones that mushroom after some serious shred sessions .

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