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The Skateboard Thread


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i'm sure they wanna skate...those kids rip...

i wouldn't of minded my dad pushing me to skate


that was the most broing footage ever.

altho the abundance of skate parks and rad dads might be helpful in promoting skating,

who the fuck wants skateboarding to turn into the new football or baseball?

with all these minion kids with no style, and insane tranny skills.

this is why sheckler is sheckler.

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altho the abundance of skate parks and rad dads might be helpful in promoting skating,

who the fuck wants skateboarding to turn into the new football or baseball?



Where you been ??

Its been the new little legue for years now ... Soccer moms dropping a van/suv full of kids off at the skatepark and or parking her fat ass in a lawn chair reading a book.


Its the way of the future ... no stopping it ... However it does kill the spirit of skateboarding lots of us knew as we came up, just be glad you had your experience the way you did.

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the other day my coworker had her kid at this skatepark about an hour away with his friends, he called crying cause she needed to sign a waiver for him to skate, and she was going to leave work, and drive an hour to sign the papers.


i just turned to her, and said, tell your kid to stop crying, and skate the street. youre way too much of a grom mom, if youre willing to do all that so that he cane skate some crappy park.

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I hate the two skateboarding twins. There parents are gonna be pissed when there knees are shot at age 16 because they dont know to absorb the impact. and its like a michael jackson story, when his fatehr forced him to practice music so he could better from it.


it destroys the sport.

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there were dudes trying to sell my older cousin blow.


he turned down like 3 different dealers and trust me, they werent skaters



Well they must have been just lurking that day or something or they just didn't bring their boards that day cause I'm a Love Park OG and as much wild shit went down there it was never a "drug corner" with drug dealers looking out for skaters and vise versa. I know what I'm talking about. And it's across the street from City hall and the Municipal building and a block from the courthouse for christ sake. What kind of nutballs would set up opperations there? Come on now.

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they were telling us about how we should watch out for undercovers and they'd holler if police rolled up.


do you remember when love had bushes where you couldnt really see into the park from the street?



I remember when Love had bushes. It was in the early 90's. And you could still see in from the street. Not to mention mad buisiness people and politicians walk through there on their ways to and from work and ate lunch there as well. And I've seen the pics you posted of yourself in the photo thread and there's no way in hell you're old enough to have skated Love when there were Bushes.

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ive been to philly more than a few times.


i went to love park in the early 90's when i was probably 12. and thats when they had bushes so you can figure out my age. and that picture is maaaad old.



Love was still legal to skate till 95ish. And the bushes were long gone by then.

So if you were there when there was bushes, then there would have been no need for anybody to look out for cops unless they were one of the bums who would smoke rocks in the bushes.

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