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The Skateboard Thread


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I found this sweet little "ramp" between two parking lots last fall. Essentially they just filled in the space between with asphalt, and it happens to be roughly in the correct shape with a curb on top. It's like 2' high with super steep transition. You almost scrape your nose rolling up it. Lots of fun, but I fell pretty hard trying to learn disasters, so I went home.


Way way back there was this guy with a miniramp in his back yard. I couldn't have been skating for more than a year or two. This guy was kinda old, like old enough to own a house, and my friends and i would go there every so often and skate his ramp. I hated skating there because the guy was always drunk, his ramp smelled like stale beer, and had screws sticking out everywhere. His wife was really fat and smelled too. Like cheese and body odor.


Anyone know of any ramp plans for a really small QP? I'm thinking like 3' high x 8' wide. Something I could build easily, then move when I'm not using it? I built a low box, but it's kinda short. I should have made it twice as long. I might give it to these kids down the street, on the condition that they stop pushing mongo past my apartment.



check a TWS within the past 3 or 4 issues.

there was a how-to build a QP. it was a 4footer.

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5 broken fingers , 4 broken toes , 1 broken clavacle , and numerous stitches all in the name of concrete since I was 12 and skated my first concrete park in 1988 . :cool:


broken collar bone (3x), both wrists, left foot, both ankles, all my fingers, staples in my head, knocked out many times, and dislocated shoulder.since i started skating in '95 i think it was.

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The only thing I ever hurt badly while skating was my heels, bailing down a huge double set in Rochester, NY. I only bruised the bones badly, at that. I hit so hard that I actually bounced off them. i just don't get how kids these days are kickflipping 20 stairs.


I don't drink milk, so I don't know what the deal is. My ankles are both fucked now, just from rolling them a lot, but everything else seems to be in proper working order. At one point i was skating with an ankle brace, but that's it.

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I just watched a couple Nate Sherwood clips on Youtube. Word on the street is that he does oddball tricks. So, i decided that his love of pressure flips is cool, but he has absolutely no style or grace whatsoever. Is this guy pro? How does he have video parts?

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I just watched a couple Nate Sherwood clips on Youtube. Word on the street is that he does oddball tricks. So, i decided that his love of pressure flips is cool, but he has absolutely no style or grace whatsoever. Is this guy pro? How does he have video parts?


sherwood used to be pro on Capitol.

but that was back in the day.

now hes more of a skate personality.

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