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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Damn, I am reading from a few pages back but yeah, do that lubey shit Zero!!


Crazy mad slip and slide status!!


And if you wanna know the best lube, get Eros. It is the best, as my cousin who worked in a sexshop recommended it to me, and you can't imagine what it allows you to achieve.


Anyway, I am half drunk, reading old posts. I have to drive to mums house for tea, so I hope she has some good food cooked.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I fell off a billboard once, it knocked the wind out of me...


Also one time I was running from the cops and I hit a cut and dove off a hill into some bushes, and did 't see a huge log that I landed on right with my chest. It hurt so bad I just layed there for like 20 minutes, cops apparently didn't see me dip.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


How in the hell did you find that picture Caligula?


And to Zerocool, you should visit the hardware store and buy some thick plastic sheeting. Would probably be even cheaper than garbage bags.


I had to get some when I was living in a rental, so I could have my bar fridge in my room (the seals weren't the best, hehe) and it cost me like 30c for a decent sized piece (about 1m x 2m) so if you went for a 5msq piece you would be up for a couple of bucks. that way, you could just fold it up and put it in the trash afterwards.


Sorry about the crumpets casek, but I had a nice steak at mums washed down with some Rare Breed. Its just after midnigth so I am off to get some rest for my test tomorrow.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


The cack heads are yelling at the top of their lungs. Now the woman is in the courtyard yelling at herself. And there is the gate clossing as she storms of into the ally.


From what I could make out of the argument was something about them accusing eatchother of abusing the dog. Then they accused eatchother of abusing them. Then they went inside their apt. to yell some more. Crack was mentioned in their fight but I don't know under what context. 8:13am.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


SXSW is this week.

That shit is a bunch of shit.

Rad shows that are impossible to get in.

Less rad shows for free.

With free beers.

I guess it is almost alright.

If you can manage to ignore all the out-of-town jerk bags.


A Houston-area B.A.C. is coming in for the weekend.

I think it might call for afternoon matching tattoos.

And free beer shows.


While standing outside a minute ago, I had the best idea ever.

On Friday, I will stop by the costume shop.

And pick up some face paint.

Not corpse paint.

I think this weekend is calling for some black face party time.


Maybe I can find some white gloves and a bow tie.

I can totally do the Al Jolson.


If all goes as it does in my head, this should be awesome.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i fell from the top of it, and hit the little platform on the way down and thats what broke my leg and probably saved my life. for serious tho, when i was hanging on trying to get back up, i thought it was over. and when i landed i thought i was totally fine, wind knocked out bad, but i thought i was cool, then i saw the bones.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


stole some polos from the mall.

im mad at my self right now. once a girl likes me i dont like her anymore..and its a problem that is really pissing me off.

i work friday. and maybe party or paint saturday.

just order'd a new intake for my car.

will finish a painting thursday.



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