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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I was up at 430am today because the people who live under (iguess on the side of me too) have started waking up at 430am putting on the tv or radio and blasting it till 7am (when I wake up). I havent noticed it because I've had my AC in but now I dont know what the hell I can do. I cant live like this I need those 3 hours of sleep.


Is there any frequency disruptor or like something that can just turn the power off through the wall. I cant take this anymore.


Fuck this I covered my head fell asleep twice 1st time I had a dream someone was trying to get into my room I picked up a gun and shot through the door which let them in and they killed me. 2nd dream I was driving home on halloween (i had been drinking but not drunk) and these three girl in devil costumes jumped out in front of my car like from the middle of the road jumped in front of it. I swerve hit one of them flip my truck and skid down the road. Police come I get a DUI and vehicular manslaghter and go to jail.


I cant live like this help me solve my problem moving out is not an option...nor are earplugs since I need to hear my alarm too...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I was up at 430am today because the people who live under (iguess on the side of me too) have started waking up at 430am putting on the tv or radio and blasting it till 7am (when I wake up). I havent noticed it because I've had my AC in but now I dont know what the hell I can do. I cant live like this I need those 3 hours of sleep.


Is there any frequency disruptor or like something that can just turn the power off through the wall. I cant take this anymore.


Fuck this I covered my head fell asleep twice 1st time I had a dream someone was trying to get into my room I picked up a gun and shot through the door which let them in and they killed me. 2nd dream I was driving home on halloween (i had been drinking but not drunk) and these three girl in devil costumes jumped out in front of my car like from the middle of the road jumped in front of it. I swerve hit one of them flip my truck and skid down the road. Police come I get a DUI and vehicular manslaghter and go to jail.


I cant live like this help me solve my problem moving out is not an option...nor are earplugs since I need to hear my alarm too...





are they huge football player gangsters?


man up and go downstairs when they are home and ask them politely

to kinda keep it down that early in the morning.

problem solved.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


are they huge football player gangsters?


man up and go downstairs when they are home and ask them politely

to kinda keep it down that early in the morning.

problem solved.


I am going to tonight however they stupid ghetto birds and will prolly forget just like every other thing I asked them to do.


A. parking straight into the spot at the top of our driveway instead of almost completely sideways so my roomate doesnt have to walk around the building at night when she comes home late from work.


B.Not hook their punching bag up at 12am and fake train for an hour because dudes fat and cant hit for shit...


C.Put the door back on the basement storage thats facing the street. Dude takes the door off for no reason. I just said fuck it and moved my shit out of there because the dudes retarded.


D. Lock and keep the door closed to the room where the washers and dryers are. I just stopped doing my laundry at our place because of it. I lock the shit every fucking time and close it yet any time i go down there in the middle of doing my wash the door is wide open light is on waiting for crack heads to take my shit...


I mean right now we are the only two I guess "families" living in the building. The landlord is trying to get me to collect rent from the dude. The other dude who was hire as the live in maintenance guy left to who knows where not telling the landlord.


Good thing our landlord switched property management companies and lost our lease because I think I am out this winter.


Get some earplugs.


read the last line of my post again fago'tron...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


shit, man. that is one hell of a situation. hmm, if you wanted to do some damage,

you could make an EMF gun and point it downstairs. might fry the tv if you were lucky and the gun was powerful enough. i used to have instructions (plans) but don't know where they are atm.


there's a neat program called "natura" you could find on demonoid. it plays nature sounds.

might drown out the bullshit. it's relaxing, anyhow.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


ahhh see thats what I have been looking for! I have been looking for signal disruptors/scramblers and other crap I am def looking into getting an EMF thing I think it would be funny as long as I didnt blow my own shit up in the process.


Those nature sounds I used before I am gonna have to look into getting another one if this goes any further.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I am going to tonight however they stupid ghetto birds and will prolly forget just like every other thing I asked them to do.


A. parking straight into the spot at the top of our driveway instead of almost completely sideways so my roomate doesnt have to walk around the building at night when she comes home late from work.


B.Not hook their punching bag up at 12am and fake train for an hour because dudes fat and cant hit for shit...


C.Put the door back on the basement storage thats facing the street. Dude takes the door off for no reason. I just said fuck it and moved my shit out of there because the dudes retarded.


D. Lock and keep the door closed to the room where the washers and dryers are. I just stopped doing my laundry at our place because of it. I lock the shit every fucking time and close it yet any time i go down there in the middle of doing my wash the door is wide open light is on waiting for crack heads to take my shit...


I mean right now we are the only two I guess "families" living in the building. The landlord is trying to get me to collect rent from the dude. The other dude who was hire as the live in maintenance guy left to who knows where not telling the landlord.


Good thing our landlord switched property management companies and lost our lease because I think I am out this winter.




read the last line of my post again fago'tron...


Hey MORON, you can hear your alarm with Earplugs because your alarm is usually right next to your head on the nightstand. I used to live across the street from an elementary school earplugs was what got me through.

You know what, DON'T get earplugs. Just deal with the noise you fucking IDIOT!

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Or i'll just get them to stop and win. I always win I am the best at everything there ever was ever in the world ever...


Yea Casek doing research on EMF stuff is coming up cold. I am not trying to build a rail gun... Any other thinks I could look up while I am passing out at my desk...?

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i got up at 4:30 a.m. after going to bed at 2:00-ish.

had two corndogs for breakfast, now i'm eating salad.

am i weird?


please tell me some of you fucktards eat weird shit in the morning.



Thats really weird that you say that because one hungover morning I was running late and hungry as all hell so I ate a frozen corndog. Then I decided it was an amazing breakfast and people should do it more often.


I haven't done it since then, but I did enjoy it.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Or i'll just get them to stop and win. I always win I am the best at everything there ever was ever in the world ever...


Yea Casek doing research on EMF stuff is coming up cold. I am not trying to build a rail gun... Any other thinks I could look up while I am passing out at my desk...?


fuck the EMF. build a rail gun and go cap those fools!

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Thats really weird that you say that because one hungover morning I was running late and hungry as all hell so I ate a frozen corndog. Then I decided it was an amazing breakfast and people should do it more often.


I haven't done it since then, but I did enjoy it.




great minds, eh?

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


your nose may not stop running

but you may be waaay too high to notice

Well it is still giving me the shits.

Coughing as well.

But that pill was great knocked me out for a while.

Might have another one now.

By the time it hits I'll be up and ready to go again in the middle of the night.

Gatta do my tax return tomorrow, so they can figure out how much of my airafre overseas will be covered.


And now I have to either pay $15 to get my graduation papers, or go to the one next March. Pretty fucked considering it was their fuckup that lead to missing this graduation on Monday jsut been.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


CARACAS (Reuters) - A Venezuelan man who had been declared dead woke up in the morgue in excruciating pain after medical examiners began their autopsy.


Carlos Camejo, 33, was declared dead after a highway accident and taken to the morgue, where examiners began an autopsy only to realize something was amiss when he started bleeding. They quickly sought to stitch up the incision on his face.


"I woke up because the pain was unbearable," Camejo said, according to a report on Friday in leading local newspaper El Universal.


His grieving wife turned up at the morgue to identify her husband's body only to find him moved into a corridor -- and alive.


Reuters could not immediately reach hospital officials to confirm the events. But Camejo showed the newspaper his facial scar and a document ordering the autopsy.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


my grandfather just fell and smashed the bones in his face.

broke the bones up under his eye.


i can't leave to go be with him and my family.


please pray for him, even if you don't know him, i still think stuff like

that helps.

he's one of my best friends.

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