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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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my mom offered to let me move in for one year so i can pay off debt. i feel weird now, i dont wanna be one of those mid-20's guys living in his mom's basement after being out an self sufficient since 17...

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET@Aug 1 2005, 05:32 AM

my mom offered to let me move in for one year so i can pay off debt. i feel weird now, i dont wanna be one of those mid-20's guys living in his mom's basement after being out an self sufficient since 17...


but who can say no to free food? :love: being in debt is no fun.

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newjack c. is on hbo right now..and im drunk off the potion.


but jeeah,i got attacked by my friends dog in the 7th grade..it was mad crazy..i almost hit it with a stick.but i just ran off and it went away,i still got a little scar on my upper legg from its sharp ass teef....

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Originally posted by mackfatsoe+Aug 1 2005, 12:06 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (mackfatsoe - Aug 1 2005, 12:06 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by casekonly@Jul 31 2005, 10:22 PM

snoop dizzle televizzle


I don't know if you were kidding or not, but that show is non stop giggles for really real.




<!--QuoteBegin-ARCEL@Aug 1 2005, 01:28 AM

an emule search for televizzle turned up 30 files



no, i wasn't joking...snoop is a talented comedian. very funny


arcel, thanks man.

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET@Aug 1 2005, 05:32 AM

my mom offered to let me move in for one year so i can pay off debt. i feel weird now, i dont wanna be one of those mid-20's guys living in his mom's basement after being out an self sufficient since 17...





i, too, moved out the house at 17.

i know between then and now, many many many days have come where i wished i could just take another few months to move back in so i can get my shit sorted out financially.


i canm't speak from experience, but i'd imagine moving back in with your mum can't be too bad... really, i think anyone would do it given the oppertunity.


if the ladies ask why, just tell them you're in the midst of closing the deal on your own house. they'll understand

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Originally posted by casekonly@Jul 31 2005, 02:40 PM

sounds crazy decu.

you shoulda mumbled

some crazy shit back at



I'm a magnet for odd people, i don't even talk.

They just draw themselves to me and start going off.

I usually like to say one liners to them, just not "fuck off", since you never know who your dealing with.

Eh i like it though. :o

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back then somthin somthin now somthin somthin all want me

whats my name...









































little known fact..about grace jones


During A VIEW TO A KILL (1985) filming, her boyfriend was a little-known actor named Dolph Lundgren. Lundgren has a small part in the film as a KGB heavy.


During the 70s, often attended legendary New York disco Studio 54


Arnold Schwarzenegger complained that Grace was too tough during the filming of CONAN THE DESTROYER


Was a close friend and confidant of Andy Warhol's and was a member of his entourage. Warhol made a portrait of her.




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Originally posted by rental@Aug 1 2005, 10:25 PM

you dirty fucking hippy! get in the kitchen and make me my fucking pudding.



"i sat out on the porch with a 40... and then i went and got my shot gun."



ghetto hippy is the proper.


and you had pudding last night!


don't lie!


sammich! now!


edit: it was a rifle.

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id roll with grace jones without the makeup and hair.





ghetto hippy...what ev. i think 'nerdy hippy'. i need pudding. i aint making you no sammiches! thats your job! you wear the apron here! handle that shit while youre making my pudding. and make me a sammich too. and make me some babies while youre in that kitchen!

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Originally posted by rental@Aug 3 2005, 02:49 AM

id roll with grace jones without the makeup and hair.





ghetto hippy...what ev. i think 'nerdy hippy'. i need pudding. i aint making you no sammiches! thats your job! you wear the apron here! handle that shit while youre making my pudding. and make me a sammich too. and make me some babies while youre in that kitchen!





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holy shit.... i need to minimize how much shit i put on the step sequencer on fruity loops.. fucker took ten minutes to load from a flp file..


i also finally took a try at soundfonts and i must say i'm hooked..think i'm gonna buy a sampler or a mpc soon.. but finding good free .sf2 files online sucks since fl cant use sfa2 files..




yea i went to see a friend of mine in jepoardy..


that damn purple light is so fucking soothing in the studio.. and you wouldnt believe how many people in the audiance are just about to bust out with the answer if they know it..


and alex tells great dirty jokes and some good stories about his wife.. plus dude looks stoned as hell if you see him up close..



plus i heard on rush limbaugh today.. he read the article on the guy that died from horse sex...it was honestly the first time i had ever heard the guy not be able to finish a news report from sheer amazement and laughter..



oh a beast sex is only illegal in washington if you can prove that the animal did not enjoy it..




that and casek....... i remember you and i having a discussion about a year ago in a thread ... about pudding fetish.

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yes, pudding fetish....


it moved up to chicken sammiches,

however, i have to take a benedryl every time i eat chicken

b/c i am allergic to the steroids injected into that shit (feel free to discuss me being a product of society and the desire for larger chickens)


pudding rocks, though.


did you ever get a copy of advent children?


rental, fix me a ham sammich and get me the remote!




i just picked up prince of persia:sands of time for 20 bones.

neat game. gonna go play it for a bit before i have to go find some poppy pods at a flower shop.

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