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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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I took the day off as well. First day of high school I've missed excluding time when I've been out of the country or suspended. Fifth day of high school ever missed. I should do this more often.


I'm feeling good though, getting my college application in has taken a pretty big weight off my shoulders. I'd been worrying about that shit for months, and now it's done. I'm hyped about it, and I'm going to go buy some new shoes tomorrow so it's all good.


I won't start stressing until mid december when they mail out acceptances/rejections. I think I'm going to get in though.

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i'm taking a little 120z break, from studying my ass off...i have brain fatigue..this morining i was reading for my literature class a play called "A Street Car named Desire"..which has to be read by friday...then later i went to my speech class, and found out the theacher passed out our mid-term paper last class which i had missed...so that means i had to start working on it tonight...i have to read chapters 1-6..let me add these are long fuckin chapters...and i'm barely on chapter 2...this is due this wednesday...I'M SO FUCKIN STRESSED OUT....CAN'T WAIT TO THE HOLIDAYS....plus i have to read a section in chapter 16...and write an outline about what i read, so i can present a speech about it...this is fuckin bullshit :hatred:


all this shit has though me not to procrastinate, especially when it comes to school work... :cry:



i'm so fuckin exhausted...i can't even see straight...

end rant...........^o^




fuck a spell check

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im reading a street car named desire...but im reading it in class cause im in the big high school.....well anyway heres a funny story: my friend goes to art class in the middle of the day at a different school, so when he was coming back to my school from his art class..he had some oil paint shit on his lip, my principle flipped out called the ambulance, they announced to the whole school that there was a medical emergency, and my friend was rushed to a hospital.....they rolled him in on a wheelchair, just to wipe some paint off his lip hahahah...funniest shit ever, they make the biggest deal out of nothing

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JUST FINISHED CHAPTER 2...........OOOOOHH NOES...NOW I HAVE TO READ CHAPTER 3...PLEASE I HOPE SOMEONE BURNS DOWN THE UNIVERSITY...i'm hoping my boyfriend calls and saves me...but he hasn't yet....i think he's studying to...hoping i call, and save him


one wing..cause that's how i feel... :crap:^

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maybe there's a gonna be a silver lining on the cloud that is ODB's untimely demise...


could the wu untie full force and drop a dope tribute track?


that would be hot. let us all hold hands and take a moment to remember the dirt dog in all of his glory, and pray that this inspires a wu comeback reminiscent of the good ol days.

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Originally posted by Nekro@Nov 15 2004, 09:38 PM

I took the day off as well. First day of high school I've missed excluding time when I've been out of the country or suspended. Fifth day of high school ever missed. I should do this more often.


I'm feeling good though, getting my college application in has taken a pretty big weight off my shoulders. I'd been worrying about that shit for months, and now it's done. I'm hyped about it, and I'm going to go buy some new shoes tomorrow so it's all good.


I won't start stressing until mid december when they mail out acceptances/rejections. I think I'm going to get in though.


Congratulations are due.

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im really fuckin confused about what direction to head school wise.


i finish massage therapy school in march and i'll have an 11grand loan to pay off, which isnt toooo bad, but i cant see myself doing fuckin massages my whole life.


i've always wanted to go to art school for photography, but i dont wanna be a starving artist either. Money isnt everything, i know, but when you've got bills to pay you need something.


I've really wanted to do interior design and can see myself living happy and being content doing it, but am i a moron for graduating from massage therapy school and not pursuing it my whole life?


help bats, help.


i dont wanna mention this to the boyfriend or my mom, they'd just look at me like i was a lunatic probably... i dont wanna be stuck in a job im bored with.

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all i can say is dont go to the starving artist route, cause my friend is going that direction and i try hard to convince him not to, but i just cant...whats wrong with massages your whole life? is it good money...and how hard is it? from what i think no one really has a job that 1. they enjoy 2. good pay 3. they want to go to everyday 4. benefits 5. easy, you got to sacrifice some things to gain other things, interior design sounds cool.....of course your opinion will change on what to do in the near future, my suggestion is stick with massage therapy, you went to school for it, spent your money on it, worked and graduated for it.....its for you, thats my 2cents...but dont forget im still young and learnin

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i dont care about having to work hard for a job, it's just another part of life, and massage therapy can be very good money if you find the right place to work, but my heart's not in it..


interior design, even if i have trouble finding a job at first, i've got something to fall back on. I'm gonna definitely finish massage school and pay off my loan first, but at least i'll have that liscense for working just in case..ya know?


the more schooling you have and finished, it makes job stuff a lot easier..

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yeah, but the more time you waste going to school for things you can be making money and not having to pay for schooling.....thats just my theory, but i know i wont live by it cause america is fucked up and just everyone has to be 'perfect'.....i know working hard for a job is a part of life but its like saying, sit on your ass 6am:2pm - get paid 100$...work your ass off like a mexican 6am:7pm - get paid 100$.....id pick the easiest job that will benefit you the most....think about how each have their advantages and disadvantages and balance it out from there....you can always stick with massage therapy for now and then later on when you have enough money from working with your massage therapy, you can start on your interior design....from what i read most people in america these days switch their professions over 3 times..so i guess its just normal for that to happen....but like i said before, i think you should balance them out to see which one you would get the most advantages from, wether its from writing it down on paper the advantages or just thinking it out....well im done with my dumb knowledge, i know nothing about this world...i need to learn some more before i state my opinion

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Only go into an art field if youre prepared to be cut throat. Ask anyone, Im a very nice girl, but when it comes to work Im very dog-eat-dog. I dont TRY to be but I know when to be, and thats usually often. A lot of people cant take being that way, but oh well, you gota do some things to succeed in life.

Im majoring in graphic design but I know I wont go into it, I would rather go into illustration... but in a perfect world I want my own clothing line or to get my masters/doctorate in Psychology (focus on either art, forensics or sexual.) Its very true, most people major in a certain profession and do something entirely different. My friend went here for 5 years for architecture (an insane major at Pratt) and now hes doing illustration freelance/lots of things graffiti related.


Anyway Im not making any sense right now, its late and I hate the world. <3

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hello hello yo im back!

well for a few hours.. bein in college doin graphic design its cool not as stressed up as i thought it would be... not gonna read all the new posts now but soon i will...


i like to see that the kb crew still on top of the owls! ^o^hahaha^o^


dunno what else to say did a Knightbat trackside! illl get photos up soon!


one still kb....

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here's a mission:


go through all your music and pull out just the ones that make you feel. feel bad, feel good, make you dance, make you want to commit suicide. whatever.


i'm not talking about your current songs you jerk off to all your friends, i'm talking all time favorites that have stood your test of time. the ones you always love to hear, the ones that you know will never fail to remind you of something, whether it be good or bad. The shit that you'll reminicse to when you're old.





Oasis - Champagne Supernova - burnt into my head the first time I did 'drugs'. haha.


Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better - special someone.


DJ Hype - Gone Are The Days (Summer Madness) - special someone.


ODB - Shimmy Shimmy Ya - can't front. shit makes me want to act like a gorilla.

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Shutdown - Few and Far Between

Bane - It All Comes Down To This

Beastie Boys - License to Ill


Any of these CDs pep me right the fuck up.



Atari Teenage Riot - Burn Berlin, BURN!

Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armagedon


These CDs are probably the two worst I listen to, but for some reason feel compelled to continue listening to them.



Atreyu - Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses

HIM - Razorblade Romance

HIM - Greatest Love Songs vol 666

Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days


Any of these CDs makes me want to go out and slice my wrists while holding my lover.



Lil Jon & The East Side Boys - Crunk Juice

Mr. Dibbs - Turntable Hardcore Vol 2

Madball - Look My Way

Madball - Demonstrating My Style

Madball - Hold it Down

In Quest - Epileptic


This is the shit that makes me want to go out and merk a motherfucker for eating sesame chicken instead of General Tso's chicken. Pussies.

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