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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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^ Do you really have to ask?



I'm watching an old old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV show that I downloaded from soulseek. If you're cool, you'll download it too.


*Edit: Actually, it's the first episode ever. EVER. You have no choice but to download it now. username = dathok.

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i'm surfing 12oz whilst holding my left foot.



a story :



i met up with some crewmates i hadn't seen in ages last night. they told me about this jam they went to a couple months ago, where all of these kids tried to knack paint when their backs were turned. at the end of the day, one of the guys realised his coat, with id, checkbook, money, phone was missing and went berserk, shouting and stuff. these two kids went by and made fun of him. he lost it. caught up with a kid, grabbed him and beat the shit of the 10 year old. not cool at all. and the people from the neighbourhood didn't think it was cool either. in the evening, apparently, 50 or so people came up to the youths home where the jam was taking place to find the guy who beat up a kid half his size. my friends locked themselves in, one of them being very huge and able to block the door although there are a hord of angry guys on the other side. they tried and tried to bust the door open but gave up in the end as the night started to grow late.


next morning, they realised the coat had just been left in the trunk of the car.

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