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Originally posted by suburbian bum

Currently my shocks are broken so i ride with them totally bottomed out all the time because they have an air leak in them. If i shift into first gear the chain goes off the gear. I have to shift 2 gears to make the chain move 1 gear then sometimes it shifts withought me pedaling. But damn I haave so much fun on my bike. I like to go out in the pouring rain and just haul ass and then do crazy ass skids on wet pavement.


my bike does the gear thing too, it sucks when it happens when im going up a steep hill because the chain suddenly moves freely and causes me to bang my knee into the handlebars

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i brought my bike to the shop today to see about replacing the rear wheel and making the bike a single speed. the old guy at the shop was trying to convince me to just make it a fixed gear but i was hesitant so i guess i'm going with a flipflop wheel. for those who ride fixed is it really more enjoyable?

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Originally posted by suburbian bum

If i shift into first gear the chain goes off the gear. I have to shift 2 gears to make the chain move 1 gear then sometimes it shifts withought me pedaling.


you maybe need to adjust the limiting screws on the deraileurs so they don't push the chain so far. but its hard to get them right, maybe take it to a shop.

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Originally posted by banjo bob

so i guess i'm going with a flipflop wheel


if your hesitant this is the way to go. fixie is more gangsta and sometimes easier than the single...mainly because you always have momentum via the cranks always turning...but sometimes...you just want to coast.

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Originally posted by alkaline

I got a promotion at work. I'm now Alkaline - Service Manager. All that really means is that I work too much and don't ride enough. I do get Sundays off, so I ride about once a week. ]


You get a day off?! punk, I'm still working 7 days a week, and 10 hour days. It's the big suck!


Originally posted by alkaline

Nic sucks also got me one of those cool Cinelli Frog stems. That stem looks so good.


Your welcome!




haha...haven't been riding much. I got a unicycle, and have been kicking around on that in the basement. Yes, the basement...it's been raining for like the last month and a half, so I can't ride it outside. Plus I still suck at it.

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i did races... i did races


on friday was a prolog/TT thing. it was 2 miles first mile false flat last mile was one hell of a climb most of been an average of 12 to 14% grade. i did it in 10:16 3rd over all for the cat 3/4's only 9 seconds off from first place. i was pretty stoked i felt really strong but after i finished i have never felt so horrible in my life i thought i was going to pass out and throw up.. i think i left all my energy on the course which was good. my average HR was 192 and my max was 201.


today was a road race

5.5mile laps we did 7


about two laps in i moved up to the front, top 15 or so and just hung in there. a group of about 8 got off the frount while i was in the back somethime. on the third lap i went for my own break but since i was 3rd over all i was reeled in quickly i stayed in the top 10 for the rest of the race busting my ass off to make sure the two infront of me in the over all standings didn't get away on a break. with 2 laps left we caught the 8 riders and the group was back together. after a number of faled attemps to get off the front the group was all together going into the finish i just sucked my balls up and stuck on someones wheel and didn't let go. i just stayed near the front and didn't really sprint since we were already going32ish and finished in 11th place which i can't complain about at all. i played an active roll in the race and felt really good. the 11th place was good enough to give me 5th over all for the two days combined, which im pretty stoked about. i won some money and did well.


next race is a crit on sat. and then it's off to Fitchburg MA for the fitchburg stage race.


is anyone else racing?

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Originally posted by Poop Man Bob

Bike question:


My friend has a relatively new (1 mo. old) Redline 20". The left crank creaks really loudly, especially going uphill when more force is needed.


Any suggestions?




The bottom bracket (or crank, if it's three peice) is probably loose...it's and easy fix.



or if he's sitting when this happens, the seat may be loose...or crappy:lol:

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tried the fixed and its awesome. a few questions tho.. how do you maintain a skid? when i skid i cant really hold it, i kinda skid then dont, skid then dont.. and theres a little play in my bottom bracket maybe, but maybe its my rear hub... i've noticed that every once in a while i'll spin hard and the cranks will turn but no movement in the chain-it's really brief, and after it happens, when i stop it happens in the reverse. but it hasn't progressed to more than that. its just kinda back and forth, and not real often. i dunno if its the bottom bracket or something else. oh well.. i'm drunk as hell..

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Originally posted by banjo bob

tried the fixed and its awesome. a few questions tho.. how do you maintain a skid? when i skid i cant really hold it, i kinda skid then dont, skid then dont.. and theres a little play in my bottom bracket maybe, but maybe its my rear hub... i've noticed that every once in a while i'll spin hard and the cranks will turn but no movement in the chain-it's really brief, and after it happens, when i stop it happens in the reverse. but it hasn't progressed to more than that. its just kinda back and forth, and not real often. i dunno if its the bottom bracket or something else. oh well.. i'm drunk as hell..



First things first. Your lockring is loose (that's the thing that holds your rear cog on) TIGHTEN THAT SHIT NOW!! If you don't you will continue to get that slop as the cog spins either way...and eventually the force of that will strip your lockring/hub thread and the lockring and cog will come off. It will most likely happen while you're trying to stop...probably coming down a huge hill and heading for a major intersection (that's what happened to me). You'll need a Spanner Wrench for this job. You can probably get one at your local bike shop if they don't suck. Park Tools makes one...you'll need the blue one (NOT red, yellow, or green. Yes, it matters)


Also, if you skid a lot or really hard, invest in a good rear wheel...I use a Surly Track hub and Sun ME14A rims with 2.0 straight guage spokes.



Now about those skids. The first thing you need to do i get good clipless pedals or metal toe clips (use nylon ones if you have to, but metal ones are much better at holding your foot). Secondly, remember, Push back with your strong foot/leg AND Pull up with your other (that's where the toe clips come in). The third thing (I'm guessing this is the reason for your problem), lean forward! Put your body weight closer to your front wheel and off of your rear wheel. The farther you lean, the longer you'll skid. This takes a little practice, as it throws off your ballance a little. Oh and Bull Horn style handlebars help. Good luck!



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Cinnamon... nice results! Good luck on the crit in Mass.


Been racing quite a bit myself, all crits. Last one I did was last week. 2 mile course, 18 laps. Got into a seven man break early on in the race. Scored some preem points while in that break. With about five laps to go I had burnt all my matches, as well as a few of the other guys in the break so we slowed it up and got reeled in by the peleton. Knowing I had points made me feel a little better about my overall so I just kinda sat in for a few laps and recoverd. On the last lap another break got away and the top dog onmy team was looking for someone to bridge the gap before the final sprint. Since the team is suppose to be working for him... I took off to the front and pulled hard. Having almost bridged up to the break away, I swung off and let the guys behind me finish the bridge. With about a 1/4 mile left to go... it was all I could do to sit at the back and hang on. Absolutely beat. I haven't ridden since then... five days. Dumb.


On a good note... I earned enough points in my cat4 races to move up to a cat3. I've been doing the 3/4 races to get a feel for it and eventually I'll move to the solid 3's. I'm loving it because the races are more tactical and fast, and way smoother. I'm toasted after every race but it's well worth it.

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awesome stories cinn and joker. im beyond into riding right now. i've been losing weight like crazy. it was funny, i hada friend over tonight who hadn't seen me in a few months. and he was like "yo, are you getting really fucked up or something?..." it was funny. can i get soem credit? just cause i lost weight doesn't make me a junky. even though i love to party. heres my man in action. he keeps hope alive for those like me.


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nic sucks, are you some kind of geeky bike mechanic or something. You sound like a big nerd to me ... with your unicycle and purple car. Hahahaha. Just joshin'. Are you ever gonna call me or what? When are you getting down here? Maybe I'll make you a t-shirt for (y)our birthday.

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kilo....the kickstand has got to go!


My race this past weekend was plagued by mechanicals. My own class lapped me. The only good thing that came out of this race was when I finally fixed the bike and set off again. I jumped back in behind the 8th place guy, but I chased down and passed everybody up till the third place rider. It was nice to know, had I not had all the problems, that I would've been in the hunt.


Found a Bianchi Axis cross bike for $500. Sounds like too good of a deal to pass up.


Anyone have any old race team jerseys they wanna trade?

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