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Rubbish... when I first was diagnosed with the disease (2004) there wasn't a whole lot of store bought food options out there and I was so afraid to eat anything other than salad that I was pretty much on the Paleo diet by default. I do drop about 40lbs that first year but my weight got to about what it is now and it's just stayed in that range ever since... give or take 5lbs.

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Rubbish... get at me on the personal email. You racing Vancouver crit on the 1st? I'm considering it but my wallet might ask me to stay home.


Raced the Ironclad crit today in the Masters 40+ field. I always think racing with the old guys is going to be easy but I'm always wrong. I don't know if it's a matter of them knowing tactics or knowing how to suffer longer... I don't know what it is. I got into two breaks both of which lasted a few laps but I just didn't have the legs to keep pushing it. The last lap things really heated up. As I went around turn three my rear wheel jumped after going over a small bump but I somehow managed to keep it up right and keep my position which was about 8th. I kept pedaling through the final turn, caught a pedal but didn't miss a beat, gained about four places through the turn and the sprint was on. I gave it all I had but could only manage to finish 3rd. I wanted 1st so bad but I'll take 3rd and be happy with it.


You ever want to win a race so badly that it's all you think about while racing, and it clouds your judgment? I think that was definitely part of my problem today, but still, 3rd is nothing to be unhappy about it.

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first time trial yesterday.

i reg'd for the "no aero equipment allowed" category. First start was at 8am and each rider was to be started in 1minute intervals.

my category was the last to go and i assumed that there'd only be about 70-100 riders total — there were over 200, so i ended up sitting around for about 3 hours.

weather was NASTY. winds were gusting up to at least 20mph and swirling all over the place… luckily the sun came out a bit when it was my time to go, but it was still real windy.


course was along a freeway frontage road - 12.5mile out & back route with lots of rollers and a hilltop start.

i hit about 37mph down the start hill and just tried to keep my head down, hands in the drops and eye on my HR. there'd be a nice tailwind for a minute that would suddenly whip around and slap you in face, so it was tough picking a gear, eventually i found a solid cadence and just tried to focus on leaving a bit in the tank for the finish.

about 2k from the turnaround i managed to pass the guy who started 2minutes before me (in full saxo bank kit - ha) which provided a bit more motivation. the 2k to-go sign came up and i was still feeling relatively fresh so i turned it up the best i could and just mashed from there out.

in the end i felt i could have put a little more effort into the return lap, but all in all i was happy with my first showing.

ended up taking 4th with 1st & 2nd being cat2's - a victory in my book.

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is this thread open to any bikes or just road bikes and fixies? if its in the wrong thread delete my post. Just asking because they opened a mountain bike trail with jumps here in Chicago its been open for a while now but this year it finally became legal because it became part of the park district




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is this thread open to any bikes or just road bikes and fixies? if its in the wrong thread delete my post. Just asking because they opened a mountain bike trail with jumps here in Chicago its been open for a while now but this year it finally became legal because it became part of the park district





Pretty cool that your parks department actually supports mtn biking. There is only one legal trail in my county and I am about 6 miles from a park with a little over 500 acres. Shit load of bridle and hiking trails that would make for fun single track.

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minnesota has some good trails; at least the ones i've been to.

im not sure if the park board exclusively runs/maintains them; i know a large portion of the maintenance is done by the mountain biking association.

last time i was out at the trails some St. Paul bike cops were doing some training (they stayed strictly on the sissy trails) but they were taking turns going over a stack of logs and my buddy and myself got so see this one dude endo.

dude goes up over the stacks, next thing you know back wheel and legs up in the air.

If only I had been video-ing with my cheap digital camera...if only...

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