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i just got a pair of rudy project glasses they are sweet i got the tayo they look funny when you just wear them around but when you have your gear on you look like a damn good cyclist the one problem i had was when i first got them the lenses are hard a doody to get out and i broke the frame after having them for 5 min(this was last night) and so i called them up and was like "when i opened the box and put them on the frame was broken" and the lady said that another pair would be there the next day. i call last night around 6pm the ups man came at 1230pm damn that is what i call service. and also they sponcer my bike club so i got the glasses for 40$$ but if you want the dish out the cash these seem better from the okleys i use to have. i haven't gotten a chance to ride with them on but im sure they'll do great. what kind of glasses do you kids wear? oh and when the tayos came this morning i soaked the glasses in warm water for 5 minutes and kinda worked the glasses in before i tried to remove the frames and after doing all that the lenses just poped right out.

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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804


can you ride though


and what kind of bike is the first one is it road mountain or cross fixie?


Yea, I can ride. I am pretty well rounded. I do road/freeride/xc. I can do a six foot to flat, and there's a 7 to slope that I'm working on. I'm gonna start racing xc once i get my Ku built. The first one is my freeride mountain bike. And if you were sunglasses while riding: Road, where Brikos. Mountain, got love Oakleys.

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I have those Tayo's, too. I love 'em. When it's not so sunny out I wear these Briko jams. The lenses are semi-dark so if the sun comes out I can still see without squniting. The Tayo glasses are crazy ill though.


Speaking of diets... ( sorry, I'm late on the subject ) what's a good thing to snack on? That's my biggest problem, snacking. When I get the urge I always grab a cookie or some M&M's. For a while I was just eating fruit and cereal but my uh... time in the bathroom was rather unpleasant. Any suggestions?

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joker, i say pretzels, pop corn(none of that buttery crap) trisuits. wheat thins. tostitios. any baked chips. nut(not just penuts but mixed nuts), raisens(any dried fruit but watch out for the gas), yogurt, ice pops, cookies aren't that bad just don't eat alot of them. and also remember if you don't buy them you can't eat them just skip the cookie section all together. i'll think of more as i get hungerier

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My bike will beat your car up


Redline 600c perfect frame. Tioga seat post. Original plastic Redline racing seat. MX brakes. Some Japanese rims and hubs. Original Chr-Mo cranks, looking for Redline flights.

Raleigh Rodeo (Stingray knock off). In the restoration process, looking for a 3+2 shifter for it.

Bianchi Racer. Not sure what the name is, but has campy everyting.

The Redline kicks ass.

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i was thinking about getting the rudy project graals... any knowledge of these. i like brikos too...

man i want a new racing bike so bad. i swear a colnago master x-light is calling me. dammit, why can't a dope italian racing bike just fall in my lap please? WHY?!?! i'm so goddamn broke. if anyone knows anyone selling a 56cm italian racing bike, even if it's older, get at me please.

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devilush is poor


Originally posted by BROWNer


that makes 2 of us homie:o


that makes three of us. i have been pulling my hair looking for a god damn job. and the only thing avaliable is in late feb. which i am taking it because its in a medical office. so what the hell. i hate contemplating where my next weeks funds are going to come from. its a damn good thing that I know how to cook, that saves a lot.

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first day on the fixed gear in the city :D


i was at a stop light and the light turned green i decided to go on the side walk instead of the street(for why i do not know) as i was going up the handly cap ramp i forgot for a sec that i wasn't on a fixie the bike threw me into the air i managed to some what jump off my bike before it hit a light post i slamed to the ground and my knee is turning black and blue. and i had my expensive camerra in my backpack luckly it's not broken. helmet next time

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Today, I was basically left all by myself in my office. Everybody else went to check out the site of the new store we're opening soon. I realized that nobody was there to tell me what to do or even to notice if I was missing. So I did what any self-respecting Stonecutter would do in my situation ... I went for a bike ride. I was gone for an hour and a half, and not a single soul noticed. Hahahahaha.

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yo man, tonight's trainer video: la course en tete. anyone else ever seen this thing? fuck eddy merckx, fuck cycling, this is just a dope FILM. i have now declared this movie required viewing for all cutters. :)

i love you all.

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bumping for being bored at work. still haven't ridden an inch in over a month. getting fatter by the second. i tried to get going on the diet tip yesterday. i would drink a bottle of water whenevere i wanted to snack. but i blew my hard work to shit about 15 minutes ago. i had a bowl of cornflakes and i figured that i'd be set untill lunch....not the case, after finishing my cereal i had a bacon sandwich on rye toast. god damned cafeteria!

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TEARZ, where do you get all of your videos?

Hesh, you need to start messengering again or something. If I had enough money right now, I'd drive up there and we could motivate each other to ride. I've been riding for the past couple of days. I quit smoking (cigarettes) on Friday night, and after the few days of constant irritability passed, I'm feeling really good.

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i've ben thinking about it man. giving it some serious thought. i made up for my poor performance this morning w/ a salad and some grilled chicken breast. washed it down w/ a bottle of water.........im trying to just take a sip of water everytime i get hungry, but god damn its not as satifying as candy..

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Guest emothug
Originally posted by HESHIANDET

im so fuckin sick of the old bike craze that is sweeping philadelphia. Is this going on anywhere else? Hundreds of old ass rusty bikes w/ fenders and shit. FUCK its soooo annoying.

im sick of fucking stupid ass road bike frames (shitty ones) converted in to fixed gears,no class......thugging
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Originally posted by emothug

im sick of fucking stupid ass road bike frames (shitty ones) converted in to fixed gears,no class......thugging

thats on my hate list as well. that shit is a fuggin crime

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Guest Good Morning Captain
Originally posted by HESHIANDET

thats on my hate list as well. that shit is a fuggin crime


quit hating, LUKE SIDEWALKER! haha:spent:

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Originally posted by emothug

im sick of fucking stupid ass road bike frames (shitty ones) converted in to fixed gears,no class......thugging

It's just ghetto, that's all. My brother's bike is like that. He couldn't afford a "real" bike, so he took my dad's old road racer and coverted it with scrapped parts from the shop he worked at. His bike was nearly 100% free.

Don't get me wrong though, as soon as he can afford the real deal, that P.O.S. is going in the garbage.

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Originally posted by emothug

im sick of fucking stupid ass road bike frames (shitty ones) converted in to fixed gears,no class......thugging


i knew you'd show up on here sooner or later. you'd love my free spirit flip flop hub fixie with choped 'cowhorns'. just kiding. how bout that flick in the dondi book of him on his track bike.... :eek: style master general!!

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yessir, the dondi flick had me cheesin' fo sheezy. al, i get my videos from my homies at the bike shop. they have a huge ass library of them, and they'll just give them to you for a couple of weeks for free. no charge. i'm pretty sure that there are other places that do this too. maybe not?

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