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yo man, i don't care what anyone says, i got the lance book for christmas... and inspirational/cheesy/overemotional shit aside, that book is dope. i'm just about done with it already. i would never have thought that i'd like it, i just opened it and the shit somehow got read. wow. dude is the man.

i also got a saunier-duval jersey/jacket. $bling bling$.

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Alright, so I bought the Lance Armstrong book with a gift card I got for Christmas. I read about 140 pages in the course of a day. It's a really good book, and I can't seem to put it down. The only thing is that it really makes me want to pack up my bikes and start travelling around the world to ride in different places. I was reading the part when Lance went to Boone, NC to do some training, and I found myself really wanting to go to Boone (Boone also boasts some of the best bouldering on the east coast, but access is harshly regulated except for a certain time of the year when they host a competition). So here's the question:


Where have you and your bike been? Did anything exciting/scary/funny happen while you were riding? Lets hear some stories.

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ummm my bike has taken me up mountains over the appilation* mountains in virginia. don't really have and funny stories. well one. i was riding up swift run gab(a 12 mile climb) with my dad and it started raining halfway up the climb. so at the top of the climb is a bridge so we stopped in there to take a small rest and get out of the rain. this mini van probably mid 90's rolls under the bridge dude runs out of the car grabs his kid and they run over to were my dad and i are. all of a sudden the van bursts into flames. it was pretty scarry dude could of died but all was well eccept for the van. my dad and i go out of there before it exploded or what not.


I also go to college in richmond va. and i trane for cyclocross in a park. one time i caught these two kids having sex in the wood. i felt bad because after i went by the first time i think they thought i wouldn't come back by but they were near part of my course so the second time i came around they jump apart it was funny. im sure he went limp fast. then on my last lap they were still there just talking. so i said." don't worry i wont come back this is my last lap." and the kid was said, "thank god"


my dad goes on an annual ride with my bike club well only around six of them go but they start in charlottesville va on the appilation mountains and bike all they way to NC(not in one trip they do 60 to 80 miles a day) and they road boone mountain i think its some 20+ miles of climbing. i think it's boone mountain. they may have ridden a different mountain in the book one that was in the tour du pont. but he said it was one of the most enjoyable mountains he has ever climbed

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One time, a few summers ago, I took a trip with my girlfriend, at the time (Hayley), to Colorado. I hadn't really been on a bike in a few years as I had decided to "retire" due to countless minor injuries. I borrowed a bike from her brother, and we loaded in the van with her parents and started the long drive. We went to a town called Frisco, and I was utterly amazed with what I saw. This town was small, but they had paved bike trails that went all around town and even into the neighboring towns. I couldn't believe it. It was the first time I had been to Colorado, and I really wasn't prepared for the beautiful assault on my eyes. There were mountains and cliffs and trees like I had never seen. The air was like nothing I had ever breathed. I almost hurt it was so clean. We decided to just hang out for the day so we could get adjusted to the altitude and start riding the next day.


The next morning we woke up, got our gear together (I've got a really funny picture of me all decked out in whatever clothes I could find, because I didn't have any proper cycling gear), and started riding. We took one of the paved trails through a mountain pass and into Vail. It was a good ride there, but on the way back, the weather turned sour. It started raining, and if you've ever been stuck in a rainstorm in the mountains, you know that it's cold as fuck. So we race down the path, hoping like hell that nobody washed out because we were going so fast. Like I said before, fashion-wise, I was not prepared. I started to freeze. Looking back, I can honestly say that hypothermia might have started to set in at least twice that weekend, this being the first time. By the time we got back to our hotel, my hands were so cold that I had to slide them sideways off the grips. It took a while before I could get my gloves off. That was all the riding we would do that day.


After a late breakfast the next day, Hayley and I decided to go on a ride by ourselves. She was competitive by nature, and she couldn't stand riding on the paved trails with her parents. "They just go too slow, that's all." So we found a random trail, not really sure where it went or how long it was. We said that if we started to feel tired, we would just turn around and go back to way we came. We rode for a long time. We saw wild strawberries, a beaver dam, and signs that there were bears in the area. It was fun, but somewhere along the line we got lost. We rode around for about two more hours, trying to find a town so we knew where we were. Finally we rolled into Breckenridge. It was getting dark, and cold. We caught the shuttle bus back to Frisco, and crashed into bed as soon as we got to the hotel.


A day later we decided to ride with her parents again. We figured we could use a break, and with her parents around we wouldn't be riding so hard. It was a lot warmer, and we pedaled our bikes up a massive fire road and onto a nice, wide, easy trail. Unfortunately for me, there were large mounds on this trail that were perfect for jumping. I started riding faster. I took a few jumps with no problems, but on the fourth one, I made a mistake. There was a slight turn immediately after the jump, and I didn't have my ass on the seat as I went into it. I hit some loose dirt and washed out. I flipped at least once, hit the ground hard on my left side with my left arm underneath my chest. I slid for about 15 or 20 feet with my legs tangled up in the frame. I remember watching the dirt and gravel pass by my face and mentally patting myself on the back for wearing a helmet that day (I would venture to say that I might have lost my left ear if I wasn't wearing it). I came to a complete stop in a cloud of dust. I kicked the bike away from my legs and rolled over to get up. "Shit, that sucked." I didn't real the pain. I was more embarrassed because I had just had the spectacular skin-mangling crash on the trail the old people rode for leisure Sunday rides. An older woman stopped and asked if I was okay as I got back on my bike to catch up with Hayley to tell her about my death defying adventure. "I'm fine," I said and rode off. When I caught up to Hayley, she gave me a once-over glance because of all the dirt I now had on me and screamed, "Oh God, you’re bleeding!" I smiled and replied smugly, "It's just a little blood on my elbow. You know I'm invincible." (I had said that because thus far in my life I had managed to actually walk away from every crash I had ever had) She just pointed at my left side just above my hip. I looked down and saw what she was screaming about. I had ripped a hole in my shirt (and my skin) and there was already blood dripping down to my knee. I hadn't noticed it. I lifted my shirt and stared at the gash in my side for a minute amazed that it didn't hurt at all. As I cleaned the dirt and gravel out of it, I discovered that I could fit the tip of my pinky in it. Hayley's parents wanted to take me to the hospital so I could get stitches, but I wouldn't have it (I hate going to the hospital so much that I've been thinking about getting EMT trained so that I could stitch myself up if that ever happens again). I rode for the rest of the day, occasionally stopping to make sure I wasn't bleeding all over myself, but that was the last time I would ride for the rest of the vacation. When we got back to the hotel room, I went to take a shower. I examined myself in the mirror and discovered that I had cut my left elbow, left side, left shoulder and my left hand. I cleaned up and went to bed.


The next morning I could barely move.


I limped around Frisco for the next couple of days, proudly displaying my battle wounds, and my smile. Sometimes I don't feel satisfied with a vacation unless I get a scar to remember it by. I have them all over my body, and each one is a good story. Sometimes the scars fade, but the memory is always there. I left Colorado a happy man.

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I bought mine on eBay. It ran me about $450. If you can't spend that much, go to a shop that sells used bikes, look for a frame and build it up yourself. There's a shop near my dad's house that has a whole warehouse full of parts and frames and what-not. It's like a scrap yard. You go in, pick what you want, and pay next to nothing. As you get more money, you can upgrade parts.

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Originally posted by yuck fou

ok, i have a question for all of you that ride a fixed gear. on average, how much does a very basic entry level fixed gear bike cost? i really want to get a bike, but i don't have too much cash.


depends if you want to by a fixie complete around 500 will get you a good one. if you by an old roadbike you can convert it for much less. 100 to 200 im not an expert on pricing some of the other guys will know better

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If you want a decent bike definatly try ebay. Or if you are in a city, ask some messengers if they know of any bikes for sale. Whatever you do dont buy the Bianchi Pista or Fuji track bike. Those things are like complete decks(nash, veriflex, etc.); and everyone has them. For the upwards of 600$ you pay for one of those pieces of crap you can build yourself a custom rig with the parts you want. Uniqueness is alot of the fun of having a track bike, and the countless people that ask you, "how do you stop that thing?" If you are just learning how to ride a fix dont bother building yourself the pimp ride, just go for the simple shit and work your way up, but if you have the cash, build the money bike right away so you dont have to keep putting cash into it, even though you still will.


Ps. If you are a little guy there is a 50 pogliaghi track bike on ebay right now thats pretty nice for 450$

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my whip (otra vez)



46/17 dura ace track crankset. mavic open pros/phil woods single side fixed. TTT road bars, old green shimano 105 brakes... vittoria couriers. don't try to clown on my splash/camo cinelli, it's gone now in favor of a solid grey. i had some dope campy clips for my rear brake (which is completely unnecessary) but i snapped one and now the shit doesn't look right.



will it work this time?

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image hosting motherfuckers. pbase and yourphotos aren't doin it right now. fucking fuck.

i want to go to boone, nc to train in the mountains. who's with me?

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damn al, that story made me wanna ride my mountain bike pretty bad.



my mom made fun of me last night, told me i was "getting flabby". so what if i havent ridden in a month!!!:crazy:

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its not the weather thats holding me back. i love the cold morte than anything. its the fact im at my parents in ct and myu bike(s) are in philly. blah blah blah......al's the pussy, not me....:D

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it's all about he layers...



i got a new track bike for xmas!!


woohooo!! i almost broke my ankle the other day when my pant cuff got caught in the damn chain and my foot was trapped in the cage..


i got a nice bruise out of it..there is a line of purple along the base of my foot..ouch

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