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Guest emothug
Originally posted by Joker

I have those Tayo's, too. I love 'em. When it's not so sunny out I wear these Briko jams. The lenses are semi-dark so if the sun comes out I can still see without squniting. The Tayo glasses are crazy ill though.


Speaking of diets... ( sorry, I'm late on the subject ) what's a good thing to snack on? That's my biggest problem, snacking. When I get the urge I always grab a cookie or some M&M's. For a while I was just eating fruit and cereal but my uh... time in the bathroom was rather unpleasant. Any suggestions?

if your riding just eat cereal bars and water,or ice tea with not to much sugar you'll get cramps................thugging....road racing
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Guest emothug
Originally posted by ohno*rock


i knew you'd show up on here sooner or later. you'd love my free spirit flip flop hub fixie with choped 'cowhorns'. just kiding. how bout that flick in the dondi book of him on his track bike.... :eek: style master general!!

haha..whats up man?hey if you have an e-mail let me know..........E.T
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Originally posted by SCOTCH WHISKEO

I know nothing about bikes (beyond how to pedal from point A to point B) However, so many writers I know are into racing bikes that it has made me wonder if there is some correlation between graffiti and bicycles. In the 80s I would run into Dondi in Washington Square park all decked out in spandex cycling gear with his bike and I casually try to turn the conversation towards style (like a student of eastern philosophy trying to glean the secret of life from a guru at the top of some mountain) and invariably he would reply by going into a lecture on the merits of Campangolo components, or some such thing. I would listen intently, hoping that this was some type of metaphoric parable which, once deciphered, would hold the key to my becoming the next "style master". Looking back I realize that the dude was probably just sick and tired of talking about graffiti, and that if there WAS any hidden message he was trying to impart to me, it was only that I might want to investigate the rest of the world outside of my ink-stained existence occasionally.

He wasn't the only writer I met during that period who had gone into retirement from active bombing only to become obsessed with building the perfect bicycle. Stan 153, Zephyr, Ban2, and many others, are all heavy duty cyclists. In some cases this stems from having worked as a bike-messenger at one time or another, but for alot of these guys it's strictly for sport. I have never understood the appeal of wearing brightly-colored spandex and flipped up short-billed caps with alot of Italian logos on them, but maybe once I have finally mastered letter style and graffiti loses some of its magic for me, I too will be drawn in. Who knows? I would still rather watch my "Stations of the Elevated" tape than "Quicksilver" or "Breaking Away" though...

I just thought this was amazing, and since it's on topic, I decided that everyone should read it again.

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I don't remember reading that either but I'm damn glad it was posted again. I kinda felt like I was reading about myself there for a second. Well, minus the "Style Master" part. I haven't bombed, hit a legal wall or drawn a piece in more than two months. I can't even remember the last time I caught a tag in the streets... much less a train.


Maybe I've gone "Dondi"...

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hahah dude. joker, your nucking futs bro. cycles man, evrything goes in cycles. im 150% w/ things for a few months then i just stop,like riding bikes right now. im too busy snowboarding tio worry about bikes or graffiti. i'm talking mission type shit, drunk tags and the whatnot don't count.

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haha i havent been on my bike since i left boston, and that was about the same time i caught my last ups, seriously i drew out stickers last nite with a sharpie and they sucked so ive beenhere in philly for 19 days and have only caught one scratch tag in a supermarket bathroom, amusing story about that... butwhatever.


my bike isnt here so that leaves out riding to moms for a freebird... but when i get it fuck the 2 dollar bus fare. that can eat my ass. and i can find a nice little layup and grow old and some roofs. but shit i think whenyou get older (24) things slow down you dont need to bomblike a 15yr old to feel "complete" you dontneed to king you just need to get your shit done.


theres mytheory andi am sticking toit. andif you havent noticed the spacebar no work.

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bump from page 3


ummm totally not eevn thinking about bikes right now. not one bit. actually i wish i had my road ride up heerr so i could ride the 5 miles to work in the snow, just for s's and g's.

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almost on page 4? enough of that garbage.

al, did you get your frame repainted at that airglow place? they look like they do a good job. i might have a restoration project for them.

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Hell yeah, Cinnamon!! Hope it works out!


Been riding a lot more lately. Last week got about 175 miles in. Didn't ride at all over the weekend. Did about 30 miles today. Had to come home early because my left knee wasn't having this cold weather. Been doing lots of hills to prepare for the first race of the season. It's a mostly flat terrain with two rollers. The course will be two laps at 22 miles each. So I have to get my shit together and train right. I can't get dropped on the rollers or it's all over for me. I want to at least finnish in the top 20. If I can stay with the momentum of the pack over the rollers... I'll be alright.


Still having issues shedding some of these excess pounds but after reading the story on weight in the new Procycling magazine... I'll take it one step at a time.

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that croll is ill! good news is ive been doing alot more ridding lately after my bout with laziness. bad news is, the nice lemond zurich my employer loaned me a couple months ago, well hes asking for it back, to give to his kid who will never ride it, taking away one of my babies. i fell in love with that bike, the bastard. so in return i am buying a nice ass voodoo limba cross bike. voodoo having gone out of buissiness a while ago, the shop was able to buy alot from them for cheap cheap. one of the stores that my employer owns still has one of the limba's, so i should be able to buy it for under a grand. not that i have that type of money,but i need something to train on the roads with and a cross bike sounds like a hell of alot of fun(you have inspired me to get on that horse cinnamon)cross your fingers for be stonecutters.

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i just bought some mks gr9 platform peds. they're cheapo $25. junk but i love em. they're the ultimate sneaker compatible ped. if you pop the dust cap off and fill the entire chamber w/ phil grease/oil/whatever, and let it sit over night, they last a while. its easier to buy a new pair than rebuild em. funny how i justify things like that. hopefully this should be it for me, i'm gonna do an overhaul on the ol girl tomorrow and be riding once again.

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