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Sharing shop space with Ascari Bicycles. I've kinda fallen off the bike tip since skateboarding took over, but seeing these guys' work kinda makes it hard not to be hyped. They make a good chunk of the components in-house, too... not just frames. Both Gary and Helio are rad, solid people, too. I know some of you guys are PNWers, so maybe you're familiar. for those of you who aren't:








anyway, just thought i'd share that. i will wander back to my usual threads now.

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Went for a lunch time ride out along the ridge near where I live. 10 mins in to it a small piece of flat metal plate on the trail slashed fuck straight through the base of my rear tyre. No amount of silicon/tubless jizz was going to seal that up.


Popped in the spare tube I carry with me and off I went again. 2/3rds through the track and the rear goes all sloppy, apparently the tube that I used was made out of custard and pinch-flatted, some fucking how.


Welcome to a 3km push home along the ridge line in 30+ degree heat.


Happy fucking new year to me.


Go fuck yourself.

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We call rear Derailleur hangers, rear Derailleur hangers over here. Never heard them called anything else, actually! I you had a chain breaker with you, you could have removed the rear D and bodgied up a single speed setup enough to get you out of trouble. I normally carry a breaker on longer rides.


I had a hanger made out of butter once on a Kona Stinky that bent right at the top of a 7 minute DH run, after hitting a water bar at about 40kph sending the D cage into the spokes. First run of a race weekend as well.


Will take this opportunity to buy the other half of my Xmas present, bike parts and tools. The other half was paint. It's what I get every year, best presents possible.

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Mech refers to the upper part of the D, below it you have the cage and jockey wheels, attaching the mech to the frame is the hanger. That's how I've always known it anyway.


So pissed at what happened today. Prior to the first flat I pulled an up-hill Strava PR. Prior to the second flat I pulled a PR (17 on overall leader board) on a fast/DH section. Today was clearly a day for records to tumble, should I have not incurred the wrath of the gods.


Shits me too as I don't have a new tubeless tyre ready to put on either. Am going to have to ride with a tube - which just feels weird now - until I get an order sent from the UK or US (everything is expensive here).

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Will have to snap my rides some time soon. I'm on a Cannondale Chase (SS), Cannondale 1FG (SS) and the latest edition is a Trek Remedy 9, the fucker that flatted on me twice today.


They're all MTBs but the 1FG has Kendra K-Rads on it and is used for commuting and doing bike paths, etc.


THis is a pretty old one, different build on that frame these days.



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Yeah, I'm about to go do some climbs on gnared out loose rock/dirt on my Chase single speed. Being SS it means you have to keep up a constant strong cadence to get over/through shit. It's going to be a work and will kick my arse as well. Great fucking trails though, within stone's throw from my home as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My reverb dropper seat post shat itself today, thing is only like 3 months old.


Pressed the button, seat dropped all the way and completely lost it's pressure. It just freely slides up and down now. I'm shattered, was going to go for an epic run up a mountain this weekend too.


Anyone else had trouble with an RS Reverb dropper?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice shot.


I went for a ride on my bike on Friday, a Trek Remedy 9 2013, purchased in Oct 2013, ridden maybe once every 8 days since - in otherwords it's still a very new bike and has been serviced once since I bought it.


Saw that there is a bolt completely missing in my rear linkage. Sorry about the size of the image, but it's the non-drive side rear bolt (the one near the E of evo) that holds the seat stay on to the linkage plate.


Shit like this should not be rattling loose and falling out of a new bike. They should be tightened on a torque setting and loctited in place. The replacement is $40. I'm super-unimpressed with this issue.



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Yeah, bought it off my local Trek dealer, was their first customer in their new shop.


Spoke to them over the phone, these guys have been helpful and good to me since I bought it, however they quoted me the price on this, which indicates they see it as my problem.


When I picked up the bike the rim tape wasn't on properly and I flatted three times in two days before I worked out what the problem was. When I picked the bike up after my service the rear wheel hadn't been placed on properly and was essentially flapping in the breeze. Now, with this, I have to assume that both the original set up of the bike was not done properly and the service was not carried out well either otherwise this bolt either would not have fallen out or it would have been picked up as loose during the service.


I'll be discussing this issue with them. It's a pity as the blokes in the shop are decent guys and I really just want to have a reliable place to deal with my bike issues. This is standard shit that shouldn't be going wrong.

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