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By the way...


I was pretty set on getting some SPD-SL's for track/road racing and reserving my ATACs for training/brakeless/winter, until a friend suggested Speedplay Zeros and talked about how much he likes his. They definitely seem to make more sense for crits, being double sided and having a lot of cornering clearance, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried Speedplays vs. SPD-SL's and what they thought.

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the pink one is kinda shitty for a schwinn.

the luggage rack i could stand to do without or just replace all together...

and the white wall tires id like to put plastic liner crap so they dont go flat.

simple things.


well, that is how the bike is made.


to install a rim strip you just need one from the bike shop for your rim size, deflate the tire, get a tire lever and take off the tire, install and replace.


Its pretty easy


If you need help the internet is a good place

here is a great site that has vids for a lot of basic bike repair stuff



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my friend just bought a pair of speedplays (not sure of the model) but he claims they are a pain to engage and have "too much float"



For sure. I just tried out a friends and I noticed they were a bit harder to engage than my ATACs and there was too much float for my taste, but that shit is adjustable... tell your friend he can tighten the screws around the cleat to dial down the float (if they're the Zeros, not sure about others).

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I rode Speedplay pedals for four years. Loved 'em. I only switched to DA pedals to have a larger platform. On the Speedplay pedals I had them set at zero float and loved it. Absolutely loved it. After the first month of using them I also got used to engaging the click-in with ease. Once you get it down it's so easy.


I will say that I originally bought them due to the extra clearance statement their website talks about. At the time I was really into crit racing and thought it would give me an advantage to be able to pedal through turns. I've found that since switching to DA pedals that that extra clearance doesn't really affect me because I still pedal through sharp turns without catching a pedal on the pavement. I guess that is different for everyone though.


I say get 'em...

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Yeah, about that larger platform...


I have a little wider feet and it seems like it'd be nicer to have it. It was hard to really gauge the Speedplay pedals when I was riding my friend's pair today because I was wearing his shoes, which were about a size and a half too small. Would you say it's a pretty good step up from the large cleat/small platform of Speedplays to the large cleat/large platform of DA?


I'm gonna try to find another friend with similar sized feet and SPD-SL's as soon as I can... haha.

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missed my race because of this wreck so I ran a section as course marshall and got two free race vouchers, not a total loss but im off the saddle for a bit, sucks cuz Im a messenger so I'll be broke for the next week.

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I ride shimano SPDs, not sure the model. But they are on the low end I know. They have very very minimal float but I love the large platform compared to trying Speedplays lolipops. If thats even the technical name for those things. Either way it seems to be all about preference and what you're comfortable with.

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from another forum i visit

hey guys i know this isnt the spot to post this. but i keep getting hurt on my bike. I ride fixed gear and just started in march. maybe it's the pot holes, maybe it's me. help?! any suggestions besides switching to freewheel cause i love my bike and the fact that im always peddling. its fun
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from another forum i visit

"hey guys i know this isnt the spot to post this. but i keep getting hurt on my bike. I ride fixed gear and just started in march. maybe it's the pot holes, maybe it's me. help?! any suggestions besides switching to freewheel cause i love my bike and the fact that im always peddling. its fun "


haha, what a fag.


Riding fixies and getting hurt go hand in hand.

Asshole should either


A. Watch out for fucking pothole


B. Get some better tires


C. Stop being a fucking pussy gay ass fixie rider

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