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PORTLAND, Ore. - The so-called 'TriMet Barber' pleaded not guilty Tuesday to altering unsuspecting women's hair on buses and in stores.


Investigators say Jared Walter, 22, snipped the hair off of several women on TriMet buses in Oregon and smeared Super Glue on at least one of them. Walter is also accused of breaking into a neighbor's apartment in Oregon and pouring oil on the woman's hair as she slept.


And at least two women in Puyallup, Wash. said they've fallen victim to Walter in similar incidents while shopping at local stores.


Drina Ellison said Walter sprayed Super Glue in her hair while she was shopping at McLendon Hardware last May.


"I was pulling Super Glue out of my hair for days even after washing it," she said. "That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard, the weirdest fetish."


Jennifer Steffey said her attack came just a month before her wedding when a stranger at a Puyallup Safeway store poured Super Glue on her locks.


"I went to brush my hair away from me like I always do, and my fingers got stuck in my hair," she said.


Steffey said the attack was especially traumatic because she has been growing her hair for 10 years. Her long tresses, which grow past her derriere, have long been Steffey's signature.


Walter was convicted of assaulting Ellison and ordered to pay her $100 to fix her hair.


"There has to be something wrong with him," said Ellison. "You just don't wake up in the morning and (decide) like, 'I'm just going to go to McLendon's and stand in front of McLendon's and put Super Glue in somebody's hair.'"


Investigators have connected Walter to three similar incidents that took place in Texas before Walter moved to the Northwest. A surveillance camera at a Texas grocery store apparently caught him hanging out at the front door, waiting for his next victim.


Detectives are urging any additional potential victims in the case to contact them.

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I don't understand why racists are always talking about how black people love watermelon. No shit retards, watermelon is awesome. Everyone loves it. It's like saying "man, fucking white people love candy bars and blowjobs! Those crazy crackers!"



i wish i could prop you





"where are all these people who dont like chicken and watermelon?"

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