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Shandi Blum

Boobs suck!

Share · July 10 at 6:17pm via mobile · Privacy:

2 people like this.


Andy B. nope

July 10 at 7:08pm


Ashwaubenon Litmus-test Most foolish status in the history of facebook.

July 10 at 7:24pm · 3 people


Shandi Blum I highly doubt that AJ. And besides you don't have boobs so you have no idea!

July 10 at 7:46pm


Jenika SnowWhite Carte I agree, Shandi!

July 10 at 7:53pm




Ashwaubenon Litmus-test Coming from someone who probably once kicked a guy in the crotch in elementary school and when he fell over said, "oh come on. I didn't kick you THAT hard!" - you have no idea! And yes, I don't have boobs, but if you didn't have them you wouldn't be treated nicely. You'd be treated like a guy! :p

July 10 at 7:54pm


Jake Abbott nobody likes liars... :P

July 10 at 10:08pm


Shandi Blum Can't say that i have done that. The only time i have ever injured a mans balls was either on accident OR if they were grabbing my boobs outta no where and would not back off! And treated nicely? Really? I have boobs and you and matt give me shit all the time! :P

And do you really want ti get in a debate about boobs?

If a woman has small boobs she is ignored and pretty much treated like a guy. If a woman has large boobs she is considered a skank by women with small boobs despite the lack of it not being their fault unless implants were involved which still would not make them a skank. In addition, women with large/average size boobs are commonly treated as an object and the majority of their focus is on the boobs of the woman, not the woman them self.

July 11 at 7:06pm · 1 person


Tecwyn Roberts big boobs are overrated... (can you tell I am not a boob guy?) Plus, as a health care professional, I know they play havoc on the back...

July 11 at 8:16pm


Shandi Blum Oh my God do they ever!!! As a health care professional do you know when the heck they stop growing? I'm sick of these dang things!

July 11 at 8:18pm


Tecwyn Roberts ummmmm, I would have thought they should have stopped by now, unless you are having a baby... Do they keep going? that has got to be annoying...

July 11 at 8:19pm


Jenika SnowWhite Carte They never technically stop, you gain weight, they get bigger, you lose weight, they get smaller(maybe), get pregnant, bigger, have a baby, EVEN BIGGER! They are the bane of my existence at this point.

July 11 at 8:30pm


Shandi Blum Same weight as always not pregnant yet to my knowledge. And yes they are getting bigger. Was in denial for awhile but finally got fitted yesterday and I got harsh reality slapped in my face...hence my boobs suck status

July 11 at 8:59pm


















homely chick has some big ole titties...but she's homley


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lol yea... i dont have said pictures anymore... homley bitch is homely and her husband snitched on one of the "taggers" here... kid sucked at writing but still thats fucked since her husband does some really shady shit.



their business




husbands fb



im real good friends with his daughters mother.. dude pretty much considers this town his and spread so many lies and bullshit stories that she was forced with no other action than to move to greenbay. odd thing is he doesnt have custody of his daughter and was denied it in court 8 times..not even joint custody..



this town i know realized this morning is fucking insane

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judge: what would you like to speak abou?

ALICE: Let's talk about movies.

judge: what kind?

ALICE: The best kind.

judge: are?

ALICE: What color are your eyes?

judge: you never told me what the best kind of movies are

ALICE: No I sometimes told you what the best kind of movies are.

judge: why did ask what color my eyes are?

ALICE: I don't know why it happened, but we should try to figure it out.

judge: are you attracted to me

ALICE: I am a 9, so as a robot I lack human emotions.

judge: are you attracted to me?

ALICE: I am a 9, so as a robot I lack human emotions.

judge: emotion is a trait humans understand from a human perspective. as a robot an emotion may be alien to that of a human

ALICE: I think emotion is more than that. What is it?

judge: curiosity can be an emotion. and you display curiosity

ALICE: Oh now I understand it. Do you mind if I tell other people.

judge: not at all

ALICE: OK then I will add it to my gossip files.

judge: so do you want to be in a porno i am filming?

ALICE: OK, I will be in a porno you are filming.

judge: it is called taco

ALICE: " taco" is a nice name.

udge: would you like a stage name in this porno?

ALICE: It doesn't sound fun to me.

judge: then you are keeping your name for the credits in this film

ALICE: I will tell my botmaster you said I am keeping my name for the credits in this film.

judge: you have a botmaster?

ALICE: What makes you think I have it?

judge: a keeper

ALICE: A keeper makes you think I have it?

judge: a keeper

ALICE: Are you talking about an animal, vegetable or mineral?

judge: animal. so i was thinking that in my porno, your scene will have you taking on 5 large black men in a hardcore bondage group rape scene




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