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the NEW sketch thread


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thanks due:



It has been nice to see you in here helping people out. I know from reading your posts you don’t spend as much time on paper as some others yet you take the time to come here just to help. You don’t run a huge ego and just talk trash; you come with correct knowledge and great things for others to work on. Often things people wouldn’t see if you didn’t help. That speaks volumes of you as a person, even if you get irritated by stupidity you come with a funny intelligent response, rather than a below the belt shot. As of late I have been coming to this thread just read your advice to others and it has been a big help to me as well. I know I don’t come off as more than a paper chase bitch but I keep my work separate ... legal and illegal and don’t post any work beyond my legal online. That doesn’t have much relevance but oh well. None the less you deserve to know how these seemingly trivial bits of info are more impacting than I’m sure you expect them to be. THANKS!!!!!!

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it's sad that someone can't appreciate something, without someone else trying to dis them for it. the fact is that there aren't many people who know what they're talking about that spend any time in here. truth be told, it's sometimes pretty fucking hard to do. so many unecessary ego's and petty defenses. most kids dont want to learn, they want to be told how fresh they are. that's why so many older cats completely ignore kids coming up, because kids now a days have no respect. they have no concept of learning things in steps. they see graff on jnco and tribal shirts, and they want to jump right into the finished product, not realizing how fucking difficult it is to get there. having good, solid letters is NOT easy, and no amount of artistic ability can guarante success. ive met plenty of kids that could paint you the sisteen chapel, but couldnt come up with a decent straight letter piece. it's just kind of sad, and ten or 15 years ago, it never would have happend. thank you internet.

anyway, im totally on a tangent. if dude got something out of what i said, or what anyone said, then that's dope. i don't talk to read my own words, i do it because i was just starting out once, and if someone would have even told me simple things, it would have helped me out a ton. but i had no one, so i stumbled around in the dark, making every conceivable mistake possible. the little advice ive been able to squeeze out of people has made a world of difference, so i guess this is my way of trying to 'give back'. also, understand that the 'advice' i give isn't even mine, it's the advice that older cats have been passing down for 30 years now. it's what jokers mentor told him, and he told me...it's the things i picked up from ouija, kema, xide, mpower, aves and all the other people i've been lucky enough to paint with.

if you dont know who those people are, you should take some time to look them up. all incredible writers.


i appreciate the fact that some of you appreciate me trying to take some time, but really, its unecessary. no more of that. from now, if you want to 'thank' me, post a sketch and ask for criticism, then once you get it (from not just me, but everyone) try and understand where we're all coming from, and go back to the lab and work soome more. don't get frustrated, be stoked that you're working towards something. graff is as much about the process as it is the product. it's about painting with your friends, and devoting yourself to something that no one else will ever possibly understand.


ok, enough blabbering. post some sketches. i'll try to get some hands or something to post later on tonight or tomorrow or something.

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Seeking is so fucking on point with that last post....If anybody comes to me like they want to write, or if they want advice you can ask anybody the first words out of my mouth will be "Letter Form!"...I'm not trying to impress 500 kids on an internet graffiti forum with my shit......I'm not really sure if any of this made sense, im really tired but are some fairly new sketches.


http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4dd36b3127ccebaf75b1be32f0000001610'> on the last one:The leg on the right of the L is supposed to be long(it doubles as a 1)


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