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rubbish heap

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yeah the weather proof aluminum paint is the shit, when u put it in your squeezer it works from the get go, remember to shake before us use it though, if u dont use it in a couple days the ingredients seperate from one another, i got the window chalk paint markers at kmart, if u cant rack em their 10 dollars for 4 so its not a bad price, and their refillable so go get it and have fun

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Hey im from australia and i got a marker for free.I cleaned it out because it last had blue ink in it so i washed it out. i filled it with some sanford blacktop but now because some water was still left in it from when i washed it its a light blue seethrough colour :( got anytips on how i can fix this problem or make it thicker and more black colour


Thanx Apske

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black ink- ok, i dont mean to shut down yall chi-town cats griffin hustle, but at http://www.filmart.com/cgi-bin/filmart/GRISDBK25.html you can get griffin 12 bottles for 10.50 (US).

silver-ben moore aluminum works or rusto aluminum. whatever. mix 3/4 paint, 1/4 thinner. pow.

purple- try throwing a little gentian violet in with some of your recipes. or mix etch with gentian violet. itll leave a nice purple stain where it ate the plastic. (im only recommending you use etch on bus stops newspaper stands etc. and only cuzz its HOTHOTHEAT! i promise.)

hope i helped. peace

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Originally posted by NUK_IF_YOU_BUK+Jun 14 2005, 01:24 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (NUK_IF_YOU_BUK - Jun 14 2005, 01:24 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-TheKid401@Jun 11 2005, 09:33 AM



agreed, they do not mix



ive made mad mops with spray paint and it didnt cause probs i just thin it a tiny bit and make a nib out of felt plus you get ill colors to choose

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ya, 401, i posted that link up again somewhere. its a dope ass deal. and for thinning out spraypaint, that shit is maaaad thin. hardly ever will you come across a paint that is too thick. maybe rusto, but thats prolly about all. thats why i said thinner ---(only if you need it)--- but ya, thats all. peace

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i personally find it cant hurt to mix griffin with a little dot3 or something else for staining power. however, yes, griffin is a pretty decent ink. i was wondering what you guys thought of higgins ink and if anyone has tried it?? oh, and footburn, try reading even like a page back, fuck, theres a million recipes in here. i mean, come on, "what do i put in my pen?" shit, mix it with griffin, or whatever else you can get. good luck. peace

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Originally posted by NeRVe54@Jun 22 2005, 06:40 AM

i personally find it cant hurt to mix griffin with a little dot3 or something else for staining power. however, yes, griffin is a pretty decent ink. i was wondering what you guys thought of higgins ink and if anyone has tried it?? oh, and footburn, try reading even like a page back, fuck, theres a million recipes in here. i mean, come on, "what do i put in my pen?" shit, mix it with griffin, or whatever else you can get. good luck. peace


i think i tried higgins once and it sucked i think that shits only for paper, maybe i had the wrong kind

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Originally posted by rubbish heap@Dec 3 2003, 05:33 AM

The other ink recipe threads are dying, and nobody wants to read through 10 pages to find what they want. Therefore I decided to start a new one. This thread is intended for those who don't know much about ink to start learning. I'm giving it my best shot to answer all of your questions.


Now, lets take a primer in Ink 101.



There's two main things you can use as a base for your recipe: inks/dyes, or bucket paint. Ink and bucket paint do not mix with each other.


If you're into getting custom colors that no one else has, get yourself some small containers of bucket paint. Two recommended brands are Rustoleum and One-Shot. While most people have heard of Rusto and know of it for its thickness, One Shot is less well known but has a lot of nice colors and comes out super glossy or metallic. Sign painters use it for their work; it's tough shit and it contains lead, so be careful. Bucket paint is not as permanent as a lot of inks, and really does not stain too well at all, but it usually will not weather away quickly and is still slightly hard to buff. Make sure you get oil-based. You can't put paint in most markers, so it's recommended that you put it in a mop, preferably a Kiwi. If you want more drips, be sure to thin out the paint with mineral spirits. Do NOT thin with xylene if your mop is plastic, as xylene eats plastic away.


Onto the inks. If you're into shit that stains hard, love the colors black and/or violet, and want your shit to last long and sink deep into the surface, this is the shit for you. Pretty much every ink is alcohol based, as is leather dye. Marsh ink is about the most well known in the US. In my experiences, it's not that much different from Pilot ink, though a little more expensive and slightly harder to buff (but it's not going to make much of a difference). Anyways, ink looks good on a wall, flows well through the marker, and is relatively hard to buff, but usually won't stain hard or leave a ghost. Now, on to leather dye. This is the shit when it comes to nice colors, leaving a nasty stain, and being some of the hardest shit to buff. So why don't you just use leather dye as ink and leave out the Marsh/Pilot ink? Well, truth is, it looks like fucking water color paint when applied to a wall, and it doesn't flow as well. You gotta mix it with ink. Some popular brands are Griffin, which you can find at Walgreens, and Fiebing's. The hardest staining colors made by Fiebing's are violet and red. Be very careful when handling this shit - if it drips anywhere in the house, it's damn hard to clean off. Now on to brake fluid. Why do people use brake fluid in there recipes ? Brake fluid is corrossive and eats through paint and into the wall, kind of like what etch does to glass, except not as permanent. Anyways, it's good stuff. You can find it at Walgreens, also. Make sure you get DOT3 and don't add too much into your recipe.


Now, the recipes.



Get a jar. Put in either Pilot ink or Marsh as your base, and add some Griffin, less than or equal to the amount of Pilot. Now get some Fiebing's leather dye, and add it to the batch, preferably red or purple, as they stain the hardest. Next, get some brake fluid, and give a generous amount - not too little, but definitely not too much as it will affect the flow. Mix that shit around. You can also try boiling them together and then using a thinner, as they'll thicken when heated. Personally, I've never tried heating / boiling any of my inks. If you want, you can try adding Gentian Violet or Methylene Blue (the additive).


Next, put it in your marker. Let's pretend you have a Pilot, since they're the easiest to refill and one of the best markers around. Simply unscrew the top, and drop some ink in there until it's slightly overflowing above the cotton. Now, screw the top back on, open the marker and let the ink drop through the nib and land back into the jar. This will get the nib nice and juicey. You can also put this into a mop. This shit is going to stain hard and leave a ghost once its buffed, so the only way to really get rid of it is paint over it (and certain things just don't get painted over, signs for instance).



This ones for homemade Krink. Krink is a recipe made by KR from New York ; you can buy his shit off http://www.fourthehardway.com or get more info at http://www.krink.com . He charges 15 bucks ; if you want to know the exact proportions to the recipe, buy some and let the ingrediants settle over time and seperate. Anyways, this is some of the easiest shit to make yourself at home. First, get some Rusto Aluminum paint. Its nice and silver. Next get some Paint thinner. Mix it to whatever proportion you want - the more thinner, the more drippy. You can also add a little bit of brake fluid, for staining power, and aluminum dust for shines.



This is a recipe I typed awhile back in the Tools of the Trade thread.


586256_1848702380118416111_vl.jpgWHAT YOU WILL NEED:

- Chapstick container.

- Pilot ink, or whatever you prefer.

- A candle and matches.

- A felt chalk board eraser.

- An eyedropper (comes with Pilot ink).


1. Get the chapstick container, empty out the chapstick and clean out the container.


2. Melt some wax into it from the candle, so that the bottom is sealed and won't leak any ink.


3. Put in your ink of choice with the eyedropper. i used pilot because it's cheap and flows fine.


3. Get the felt eraser. Rip off one of the strips. cut it about 1/4. Shove that bit into the container, just make sure you can get the cap back on.


4. Finally, get the eyedropper back out and drip some ink onto the nib until it becomes juicy. After that you're ready to go. When the nib gets dry, rejuice it with the eye dropper and ink.



Any questions are welcome. I'm constantly answering them and editing the front page to contain more information.

Simple Chapstick Device:


1- empty chapstick tube

1- solid marker or meanstreak


Instructions: Well if you can't figure out how to assemble this your pretty much f***ed

"Cram the solid into the empty chap tube." This is good for a DL night on the town. Just don't let your girl use it unless your into that Tammy Fay shit.

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Does anyone (Rubbish Heap) know if theres some shit to add to the OTR ink to make it not suck... cuz i have a few of their markers... and it seems like such a waste to pour that shit out.... or is there no way to avoid it? Basically what im asking is it a good base ink to add other shit too? Thanks... (I know someone probably answered this question already... but i read the first 16 pages and barely anyone even mentioned OTR HTB ink so i thought id just ask and save myself time) Thanks anyone

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i was gonna read every page,untill i got to page 6 and saw that there was 63 more pages.

i have a fue questions about the krink like paint


1.if you put it in a kwiwi mop,will the paint thinner melt the plastic?


2.can you mix any oil based bucket paint with thinner and put it in a mop and it will work the same?


i am thinking i want to try it out so anyfeed back would be much appreacited.

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Now theres a little bit of confusion for me, what colour stains the most??

some say red some say blue, or even purple(hah surprise) does any one know, i care not for brand colours all i want to know is which COLOUR has the most staining properties.>>>


any information much appreciated.

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seriously though, I just copped some, but i think it might not even making a batch with, because it's paper ink, and the label says it's not even waterproof. Have people had any setbacks racking Griffin?


Also, this might be a stupid thing to ask, but what proportions are you supposed to use making a mop with Griffin/Marsh, Brake fluid, and leather dye? It seems to me you would want about 2 parts ink, 2 parts leather dye, and one part brake fluid. Is this what people have found to work?



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Originally posted by BalognaZone@Jun 26 2005, 06:08 PM


seriously though, I just copped some, but i think it might not even making a batch with, because it's paper ink, and the label says it's not even waterproof. Have people had any setbacks racking Griffin?


Also, this might be a stupid thing to ask, but what proportions are you supposed to use making a mop with Griffin/Marsh, Brake fluid, and leather dye? It seems to me you would want about 2 parts ink, 2 parts leather dye, and one part brake fluid. Is this what people have found to work?




Woops, i meant the label says it's not launderproof. Not a good sign though

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Originally posted by Destruction by Definition@Jun 25 2005, 11:37 PM

ok, im trying to thin out bucket paint for my secret weapon...BUT, i cant get it to drip nicely. ive tried acetone, mineral spirits, etc....none are working.....anyone got an answer? do i use less paitn and mroe thinner? help appreciated thanks...u can PM me if you want

maybe your secret weapon is a dud.

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