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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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Did you actually write "your dad? no, your mom!" on that?!!! dude...



haha, yes, that's what it says. this was a collab piece. the top half was done by my friend and the bottom done by me. he kept on fucking up his part that he just went buck wild and went over and over his own stuff. it was pretty funny to watch actually. :haha:

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Nice shit everyone...Heres sum I'm doin of my favorite painter..Mr.Salvador Dali !!!! As you can see, I'm using my airbrush for the clouds effect and the name...The rest will be done with spray paint, paint markers and touch up with the airbrush..Peace



Lil sum sum for wifey...Sum different..I covered our names..(just in case sumone asked)



**edit** I tried to resize this shit but for sum reason I cant..Mah badzzz..

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Originally posted by netster@Mar 6 2005, 02:36 PM

yo Agent Orange


I think youre piece would be ever nice without the graff

I don't know if it's really advancing the work at all...



Firstly, thanks for the feedback... regardless of opinion, it's nice to at least generate some form of response.


As I said, it's still very much 'in progress'... there's every chance that I'll paint big sections out and go over stuff that's already on there. It's hanging up in my flat right now, and I'll keep working on it over time - I'll post the finished piece up here when it's done.


The 'Orange' part may or may not be there in the final canvas!



Here's some illustrations (which have been printed onto canvas since) I did last year for a book on sneakers out in the next couple of weeks.





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isn't there already a vurry famous 'codek'?

just wondering.


i dont mind the graff on the orange canvases. they're eclectic mixes of patchwork shit...including graff doesnt bother me at all. if anything, the shoes are more of a weak point IMO, but that's mostly because i think nike's are the most played out thing since being a girl on 12oz and not posting your tits.

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I can't believe I'm even going to do this but...


AgentOrange: The canvas collage you posted on the last page is definitely a great start. I really like it. However, I think the strongest section is the far large left piece with the shoes on it and the little itty-bitty canvas directly below it. (you could do without the "graffiti" but that's really your call) The flow and balance there is perfect and the color choices blend well together. In my opinion... and this is my opinion... you could have stopped there and left all the other canvases blank. You know what I mean? Still have them as part of the whole but with nothing on them. A bold statement for sure but sometimes such things just need to be done.


Also, and this is again just my opinion, you might consider actually screwing the canvases together before hanging them on the wall. That way the canvases connect together seemlessly and give a clean professional look.


Now, I've got to get the hell out of here...

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Seeking and Joker... thanks for your feedback.

I've been painting canvases for a good few years now, but I don't really show my stuff that much - I have a bad habit of working too much into things and destroying them.. and then they end up thrown up into the loft or given to friends.


Anyway, your comments are appreciated. I'll post up the final piece when it's completed.

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mine wasnt so much a literal critique as much as it was an opportunity to (re)announce my annoyance with all things swooshed.


on a more literal level, i second jokers comments. negative space is good...everything i paint is almost entirely dependent on it, and obviously you're a fan as well. don't be scared to take it a step too far. less is more...it's also, as i'm sure you know, hard as fuck to know when to draw the line. people don't realize how difficult it is to do 'minimal' stuff, because there is never a clear 'done' point. it's not like painting a still life, or doing a formulaic piece. it's totally subjective to itself...which is why i love it, and also why it drives me fucking nuts.

anyway, i'd love to see more stuff if you have it.

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