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Originally posted by Dirty_habiT

BROWNer you sexy bitch.:lick:


Dirty Habit, Your gonna suck his dick off and while in he process get a photo to later be henna tattooed onto your forehead, since your to much of a bitch to actually have any permenant ink done.


Like woah.

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Originally posted by TheoHuxtable

True... I don't have any either. I think girls may dig the tattoos for the "bad boy" image that it may project. But that's just tattoos, doesn't mean anything since I met plenty of pussies with tattoos.


If I get one it has to be truly sentimental to me where I'd never get tired of it. Lot of dumbfucks get shit that was trendy at the moment or shit they were feeling at the moment then get tired of it after a couple of years.


I don't regret getting any of my tattoos, nor do I have any unoriginal tattoos as well. Some may see my the tattoos on my arms as "morbid." But most of the girls that live out only like to see some dumb tribal tattoo on a jock and swoon.

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Originally posted by Devilush

why oh why am i replying to this...but oh well here i go...


i'm about 4'11 to 5'0 feet. i like to round up the height a bit. i'm a little shorty, and that's the truth. i have black hair, but in the sun it shows speckles of brown and auburn...past shoulder length, straight on good days. and layered a bit. i like to keep my hair down. but today is up in a ponytail. dark brown eyes. straight teeth, my momma's so proud of me...didn't need the braces nor the retainer. saved her money. i'm not gonna describe my breasts. i'm totally petite. light brown skin, i'm a filipino...if anyone cares about race. my boyfriend says that i have nice thighs and a nice ass. but that's my boyfriend, he can say that. but i do have an ass for an asian. and i also have a tat on my tailbone. wear lip gloss, sometimes lipstick. and eyliner everyday. it accentuates my almond shaped eyes. no more make up other than that.

how i dress: usually i don't dress like a writer. i gave up the baggy clothes a long time ago. so right now i wear classy, no patterns. hoop earrings are everyday. my watch is one of those punk rocker thick banded watches made by guess. nails are sometimes done, french manicured done by myself. today i am wearing my white shirt that says d'lush in red letters under a bright red tight hoodie. 3/4 sleeve length. and black pants with boots. i love denim...dark denim. i wear it all the time. i love tank tops. and dresses and also skirts are a big plus for me, with shirts, nothing too flashy. i also wear glasses sometimes. they are the ones with turtoise shell color with the oval frame. i think i look dorky in them, but my boyfrriend prefers them on me, he says that i looks so sexy.

on my down time, or when i bomb, or when i'm out biking, i wear my denim or wind breakers folded up or scrunched up with a tank top and old school shoes.

i think that's it.

the only person that has seen me on this forum is skotrel, and he's a real good friend of me and my boyfriend.


wow. i have not changed.

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Originally posted by El Mamerro

The ladybug suit needs no occasion. It just is.


Fuck Ya'll, I've seen that Little Red Riding Hood costume... ;)


Mamerrito, I've always been a big fan of your halloween costumes. I remember your Power Rangers suit that was five sizes too small. That was totally hot. I printed it out and posted it on my fridge for a while. It was mostly for my enjoyment, but also to make my male roomated uncomfortable.


This year I'm dressing up as a cop. "You have the right to remain silent". :)

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Originally posted by Fuck Ya'll

Mamerrito, I've always been a big fan of your halloween costumes. I remember your Power Rangers suit that was five sizes too small. That was totally hot. I printed it out and posted it on my fridge for a while. It was mostly for my enjoyment, but also to make my male roomated uncomfortable.


This year I'm dressing up as a cop. "You have the right to remain silent". :)



With all this e-asskissing going on, you guys and gals should just arrange one big orgy fuck session.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by TheoHuxtable

With all this e-asskissing going on, you guys and gals should just arrange one big orgy fuck session.



Sounds like you want in on it:



Originally posted by TheoHuxtable

El Mammero is one sexy bitch!

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Physically, I think so. (Especially with my new haircut... too cute... :lick: )


Personality-wise, not very. I've got a very sardonic/smart-ass sense of humor that tends to give people the impression that I don't like them and I'm somewhat shy when it comes to expressing myself other than that so I come off as a huge bitch... :o

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I'm aight! For work I like look clean cut. For days off I like to look like a beach bum; I twirl my long curly hair into dred locks, wear low rise faded jeans, love halter tops, and platform sandals.

Like dlush I'm never without my hoops, and some kind of bracelet or necklace.

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