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The Photography Thread


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What up fuckheads! its been far too long! here's some photos from my trip to cali which was damn near 2 months ago?! We put damn near 1000 miles on the rental car it was a fucking blast!












Also here's a few that i shot this Thursday food photography sucks because you cant always eat that delicious looking food! All shot with natural lights because i forgot my pocket wizards at school. Im glad i had a bunch of scrap white matte board in my bag to help bounce light! Epic nerd status!







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Haven't been on here for what feels like forever. Haven't been to active either, but it seems I'm starting to get a bit better at model shooting.

Recently fucked up my 50mm f/1.8, so I'm using a fully manual Helios-44M f/2.0


CRW_9937 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr


CRW_9908 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr


CRW_9902 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr


CRW_9891 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr


CRW_9877 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr


CRW_9855 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr


CRW_9793 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr


CRW_9763 by Ethiopiate, on Flickr

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The first couple are good, not so sure about the last 4. They probably would have looked better with some external lighting. I'm all for natural light but when you're shooting subjects like that it really helps to have a light source to separate them from the background.


Fuji GA645 - TMax 400 - D76 @1:1



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Hi everyone,


I used to come here a lot and found some fantastic Photo blogs etc. like

STEADYLIVINGTHELEFTHAND.com, which featured really interesting shots ranging from models, parties, obscurity, fashion, left-field type shit.


These sites have been closed unfortunately so I was wondering if any of you guys could recommend some other great photoblogs/sources of these kinds of pictures?


PS. Awesome thread!



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