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The Photography Thread


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Put your pics in bigger groups per post ... 1 or 2 at a time isnt working when you are posting 46 photos ... that could have been done in 5 posts max instead of 37 !!!!!


And if you know you have 20 shots that are so similar why post them all?? Why not pick your top 5 and show those.

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i think photos like that are boring.

they dont show enough energy

i think photos of actual hardcore bands are interesting because they put everything they have into there music and to capture that is worth it.



shit like this

band- solidarity







just an example.


i find shit like this fucking awsome

it shows the the members ACTUALLY get into there music when they play it

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i think photos like that are boring.

they dont show enough energy

i think photos of actual hardcore bands are interesting because they put everything they have into there music and to capture that is worth it.



i find shit like this fucking awsome

it shows the the members ACTUALLY get into there music when they play it



i understand what you're saying. but with me being a huge fan of punk and hardcore for the past 10 years its safe to say that i've seen a ton of the same shit. i am definitely a fan of energy on stage. but with how watered down hardcore has become, it doesn't matter what you're playing as long as you do a lot of guitar chops and have mosh calls and breakdowns. i'm glad there are bands out there that understand how lame that shit is. i don't want to sit up front with my camera waiting for a breakdown to take some agro chops shots. but energy is good. i know for sure that between the buried and me and giant totally get into the music they're playing. its just a different form of expression. they feel it and the fans feel it. it might just not translate to photo that excites you. and that's totally understandable.


everything has been done before. nothing's changed but the band.



sorry to get off topic, dudes.

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not off topic, photography thread discusses photography, understanding/appreciating/explaining subject matter is everything.



i like the btbam pics. they are in many ways very redundant. i like that set though in relation to COLORS. the blur of the lights and the rainbow logo from the cover of the album. just the general idea put forth from it.

this tour's been incredible for them. one thing that blew me away that i'd never really noticed is how mellow they are on stage. not in a boring opeth kind of way, but they just play their music with smiles on their face.


this one especially captures that for me.


maybe i'm talking out my ass, i don't know shit 'bout art...

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