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Elena Delle Donne

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Everything posted by Elena Delle Donne

  1. you like it on everything, right?
  2. we lost our mongolian bbq place like fifteen years ago and i miss it. used to do damage there. also baby corn is good as fuck
  3. i think i am *just about* at the stage where i'm gonna start watching TdF. i need to understand the memes.
  4. month is young. i'm a man of my word
  5. two chicks at the same time, man
  6. classic trap. you should love things it's nice
  7. only way to go when grilling fish, i would say
  8. good band. like if grunge was revived in pennsylvania
  9. charred green beans cut in smaller strips would probably be great. with a tart cheese and some vinaigrette. yeah.
  10. need something that changes color when the beer is cold or when you're too drunk to sustain a boner
  11. you could probably have the "individual action is meaningless or not" debate in its own thread. i sorta agree, but the endpoint of that logic doesn't work for me. it's throwing up your hands.
  12. ships are apparently the primary source. but yeah — that house paint is in the environment now too.
  13. truly, the radical left has destroyed everything we love
  14. > 50% of ocean bound microplastics are just paint chips, because all our paint is plastic too. crazy.
  15. they hate beers and grilled meats. downright american.
  16. just keep your fingerprints off 'em you'll be good
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