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Everything posted by ndv

  1. @MOOGLE? at the landlords place getting that rent lowered.
  2. This is exactly what my instinct is saying as well. Business is business.
  3. Dude started BS-ing me about being out of town as a way to buy himself more time. It passed me off because there's no need to lie to me, the truth I could have used and bought more time with my customer. Unfortunately, for him I took it at face value and said to myself, "you go out of town too much". So I bought a machine and cut him out. The biggest question which I was going to ask the Oontz Consensus but never did because I am still thinking about it but I guess I'll ask now since we are talking. Would you feel bad about going offer someone's customers considering they lie to you plus owe you money? I mean I don't. Business is business at that point. If he would have just been straight with me I still would have bought my own machine, but wouldn't go after his customers.
  4. Bro, I am trying to work on the big money. I gotta find more work for it to keep it running all day.
  5. My girl has 2, and she always keeps the food bowl full becuase her cats like to graze all day when not sleeping. Last week I picked up her male, and I was like, "Dude! You're more round then what you look". All this guy does is eat sleep, go outside, and sleep some more. But where the bowl is located these cats pretty much have to pass the bowl so they are always stopping to eat a little.
  6. It's an rotary engraving machine. Basically, it's great for indoor signage like braille and such, dataplates, nameplates, tags and stuff. Got a good deal for it and needed to ween off a guy that has been dragging his feet getting things done that I used to outsource to.
  7. Sounds like there's a husband who likes to watch. Moogle seen an opportunity and get low rent and some.
  8. Megan Rapinoe is a retired American soccer player that was very out spoken regarding women's equal pay in professional sports. I am not knocking women shouldn't be paid less that their male counterparts in any profession. But the way she went about going about it, made her come off as entitled and full of herself which at the time I didn't pay attention to her or the cause at the time or pretty much now, but what triggered my previous post was me sitting at a traffic light. So, as I am sitting there a women was walking up to the intersection getting ready to cross the street as she appeared she was exercising with what reminded me of soccer attire and tmy immediate thought was exactly my reviews post. It a tally had nothing to do with the women at the intersection personally. But in essence 'in time will tell' Megan Rainoe's out spoken complaining came to mind. Then I thought about it a little more of why thought that. And the only thing I could come up with is depending on the person who is advocating or speaking out and how the go about doing it, may have a negative impact or posititive impact on people. So I fuguered if it was someone else other than Meagan rapinoe advocating for equal pay that thought may have never crossed mind. So I guess the moral of the story is, not everyone is equally as good or effective as conveying a message. I guess that's why there's spokespeople or PR.
  9. I think I just found her Ai
  10. Thanks Megan Rapinoe. If it wasn't for your gripping and complaining and just being grateful for your physical ability. I wouldn't have never thought, "What an ungrateful Dyke", every time I see a female wearing soccer attire. You ruined the sport.
  11. Sorry Lads, I had to break up the pool of photos with Schmuckleson Cuckerton. I wouldn't waste the internet or metaverse on that guy. In the meantime, here's some women and honey.
  12. Naw. I was just thinking someone had to punch him at least.
  13. To be honest, and I am sure plenty of other people would, but I had solid insider information then I definitely would go all in and wouldn't feel bad about it. But at this time I am gonna just invest in small amounts here and there and vest all of my big purchases on things that will scale my business further up.
  14. Lol, I know where this is. I'd like to see the video where things went bad.
  15. I think it's it too expensive these days. The BTC boat has sailed many years ago, ETH, looks like it has some potential, but currently at this time it's kinda tough for me to buy into something at those price levels that just fluctuate a couple grand or 2. I just spent 3,900 on a machine which the returns next year on that 3,900 is going to be higher than vesting 3,900 on btc or eth at this time. Honestly, I need equipment that will make me money right now, as I am experiencing growing pains. So right now my dollar is very valuable to me at this time on big purchases. I don't mind throwing some small money at a few of the next to nothing tokens as long as the purpose of the token is tied to some block chain of a industrial purpose or some financial institutions fortune 500s use. Basically, I missed the BTC boat in the early stages and never got into it like I should had. Something I don't kick myself about, but I should've just asked about when it was introduced to me but brushed it off.
  16. I still look not get it. Am I missing something? What is the $17 Trillion Dollar headline with crypto exactly all about? Why would China and The Fed flood the world with $17 Trillion? To toss money at commonwealth to keep the people from uprising? Can anyone explain this?
  17. Only xrp. I wanted to buy something low but may have potential down the road. I have been looking at a few that seem to be of use later down the road but haven't purchased them yet. I may but some super low coin that's like 0.00000045 right now, and just hold a bunch to see of it hits anything around a buck then sell.
  18. All I know, he owns a few wellness centers. He was a Dr. of some sort? Dude, is so heavy in audio, companies send him their new equipment to sample. That's all I know about the guy thus far.
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