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Everything posted by ndv

  1. Told ya, just hold off a week or 2 and dh gate got you for 3 hundy.
  2. I hear you on that, but if we come up with a medium norm, that lowers California a buck or 2 but raises ming a few .10cents to a dollar I would be all for it.
  3. How was the hot honey? How was it on the pizza?
  4. I never noticed dynamic pricing at the pump. It's an interesting practice to say the least. I would think Starbucks is next to follow if not already practicing it. Idk, I don't Starbucks. Back to gas prices though, I firmly believe there should be a national set prices on gas.
  5. I had to take a screen shot and sent it to a few people in commercial landscape and AV as this is textbook perfection.
  6. Nah, not me, brother inlaws office bathroom. I guess it's smart as it may second guess one of his crew members from using the lavatory.
  7. Someone once told me when a president steps in office the country doesn't see the effects until 4yrs later. Not really sure how true this is, but the last two comments make me belive it is. All I know, printing a bunch of money wasn't a good thing unless you're in commodities exchange, then inflation is great.
  8. The toilet is so close to the wall, you have to sit towards the left just to feel comfortable. Not sure what is up with the toilet paper but I suppose it has something to do with the limited space from the toilet to sink and wall. 🤷‍♂️
  9. I do! The one I have keeps dropping internet connection. Apparently this is a design flaw with LG TVs.
  10. Thai - Pad Thai and Thai Sesame Chicken Sesame Chicken - meh
  11. Thats pretty Texas to me. Exxon and Whataburger in the same pic, not to mention the attire, thays pretty dead. Specially in the DFW area.
  12. ndv

    is WW3 going on?

    I hope not. Hopefully all the nukes will be shot from the elites at the elites. Leave us out of it.
  13. It is none of the Governments business you are in possession a firearm. When you are discharging cartridges at them is the only time the government needs to know you own firearms.
  14. Sounds like an f around and find out thread post. What happened, someone decided to stand up out the side of the chopper and got they head wacked off? Reminds me of the video someone posted about a top less women leaning out tye car as it was moving along, and I belive she lost her head to due smoking into a road sign.
  15. 1 Wonder if its the same guy who designed ATX 35 expressway.
  16. Photos reminded me of this
  17. Wow! She ages like a glass of milk left out in the sun.
  18. Looks like that took care of the problem. I also just discovered if I slide my thumb up from the bottom of my phone screen, the soft buttons show up. I guess it was always there, I just wasn't familiar with the feature.
  19. @misteraven My bad, I wasn't sure if I was explaining it correctly as I really didn't know how to explain it. You see where I circled in 'blue' ? The phones home button and other soft buttons do not appear. It's as if the beta app has gone full screen mode and nothing happens when I tap the screen to draw up the home button bar.
  20. Weird. So, while using the app (S23 Ultra Andriod 6.0) overrides my built in home button. I can't see it, only when I start to type something. This is what it looks like with and with out typing.
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