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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Just how much do you love pizza? Here's a foreign pizza menu, believe it's Dominos in China: Shit, I won't even fuck with clams, shrimp, or anchovies on a pizza.
  2. Japanese whisky. The Japanese craft several brands of mighty fine stuff.
  3. Pizza & fr8s, excellent combo. Glad to see you posting.
  4. Appreciated. Now do it again!
  5. This throws my whole plans.....down the toilet?
  6. Hence the High Life- Champagne of Beers.
  7. I spy an instant Japanese book up there, suspicious that your Japanese is no better than when you bought the book? Konichiwa bitches!
  8. My top , I can't think of their names. Um....the one with all the genital warts? Oh yeah, that's all of them. Yup, porn was much cooler before all the herpes an HIV invaded. These days I play it safe, jerking off to Mrs. Butterworth and such, she's so chesty!
  9. There are certain items that I seem to come across with regularity when out and about. No matter where I go there's always one shoe. What the fuck is up with that? Why one shoe, and how did it get there? Am I always just one step behind some one leg motherfucker who keeps discarding the unneeded shoe? But no, because I see it happen with women's shoes too (unless it's a one leg tranny mofo, lol). Presumably people need both shoes, so what the fuck happened to the other? One thing I have not checked, does one shoe seem to end up lost more than the others. Maybe all this time I have only been seeing left shoes. One thing's for sure- it's everywhere. Side of the highway, under a bridge, in the park. Even in a foreign country there it is. Recently I saw one along the low ledge of a building. I think it's some sort of conspiracy.
  10. When it comes to crapping, is there anything more satisfying then when the toilet paper comes away clean on the first wipe?
  11. That dog would definitely get it. But which one?
  12. My poop has been coming out like soft serve. Been wreaking (reeking?) havoc on the bowl. I'm not washing that shit though, just keep pissing on the streaks until they wash away.
  13. What is the sound of one ass clapping?
  14. He's probably wishing for nobody to have a butthole like his after that experience.
  15. Did not know you were the benching type. Appreciate the post!!!
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