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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. When does beer not pair well with a burger & fries? Milkshakes were just an in the way 3rd wheel, beer is where it's at. Been mad lucky, my neck of the woods has seen a revival of local beers not seen in years & years. Some of them are even worth drinking!
  2. "Suck my ass it smells." G.G. Allin
  3. I just farted and didn't shit myself. Sounds like a win win.
  4. No dude, don't do it. Haven't been able to log on here in forever, but have definitely followed things. I know you know the importance of the bench and you've outlasted quite a lot of others in here. Your posts are always much appreciated, there's always some quality gems in there, and you catch a good cross section of shit from around the country VS some other geographically limited benches (which are still appreciated to those reading this).
  5. On a separate note, I know some of yous watched last night. Silva/Diaz was a letdown, no real action at all. Probably time for Silva to go out, he's not finishing fights anymore. And Diaz, he really didn't do much of anything yesterday. It's one thing to taunt and clown if you're going to kick the guy's ass, but it's nothing more than poor showboating if you can't back it up. Also feel that UFC is oversaturated and becoming lame. I've noticed from watching many, many fights that when you look around outside the octagon there are a lot of empty seats, even up front. You can see Dana White in his seat, and he doesn't even watch the fights, just fidgets with his phone. And the involvement of pro wrestlers, UFC learned showmanship, playing up the heel character, etc., from wrestling. I guess it sells events to the greatest common denominator, but damn it cheapens things.
  6. Fuck, aint been in here in forever & took me a minute to find it again. Anyhow...... anyone got some updates on sites streaming UFC fights? Old links I had were eventually taken down. Prefer the ones where you don't have to sign up or download shit.
  7. Jesus Christ this new shit sucks. Random threads are displayed instead of newest, know there used to be an option for how threads are displayed in preferences, don't see it now. Search function still sucks, trying to locate my old fav threads and search is no help. The search function could have an eye in its ass and still couldn't find shit!
  8. Eh....not feeling this new format. Respect to Raven, wish he would kill the website and go back to the magazine days and 7th heaven mail order. Damn age of technology!
  9. Can't believe I'm back up in this bitch. Again. SO IT BEGINS!!!
  10. Actually, I know several people who have led exciting lives by teaching English in other countries. You won't be making millions, but they get to ball hot foreign chicks and get up like crazy in foreign lands. This thread also makes me think of someone I know who always works odd but interesting jobs, none probably lasts more than a year. Never fully satisfied. But, from my perspective, their moving around so much and working different jobs has caused them to lead a much more interesting life than all those people who work the same job every day 9 to 5 like a drone.
  11. "And right here is where her husband put his dick in that bitch's mouth."
  12. Smash lotion. Hefty bag trash the bitch.
  13. Ways back I had asshole neighbors, trust fund kids living like squatters thinking they were looking cool finding themselves & shit. I could care less, but these filthy motherfuckers were causing a roach infestation that was migrating to my clean territory. They also liked to use my stairwell to cross over to their apartment and would always leave the door open so the fucking cold air would be coming in surrounding my apartment. I def tried the polite route a few times 1st, but if that had worked, I wouldn't be posting here. I don't remember everything that transpired over time, but I do remember opening their door and throwing a whole carton of eggs in their kitchen once. I also threw a string of firecrackers in their kitchen early one morning while they slept. Meh.
  14. 'Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life ' -Confucius True to the word. Or, you accept working for $$ so you can have a life you like outside of work. If I wanted to look at graf all day I'd work for the railroad. Harder work than it may seem, but it beats many other jobs by miles. Realistically, I think if you work at a non-challenging job it will be hard to maintain satisfaction with your work over the long haul. That's my 'beneficial' contribution for you assholes keeping track, lol. That being said, I get these great e-mails of how you can increase your penis size. Grow a big dick, become a porn star, and fuck bitches all day until you die of AIDS at a decent age. Don't go out like Ron Jeremy, getting fatter and hairier every day as you age closer to impotency.
  15. To my recollection, I did post some shit in the X-mas thread. It was a timely and funny response to someone else IMO, but true enough, it was NSFW. But then Kobe Bryant posts a pic of Santa about to get assraped with a dildo in the same thread & no ban. I've been on the oontz since forever without even a warning & seen some real douchebaggery, so it was kind of funny to get banned off the one thing. Now if you bitches will excuse me, I have some insightful, intellectual, life altering contributions to make in the rest of the forum. -Einstein/GandhiOner
  16. There was plenty of shit posted, porn & otherwise. Who really looks at people's post histories on here? I assume you find yourself to be 'unique & beneficial?' Lol. To you, I can only say.......
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