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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Hmm, gives me an idea..... 2fb4fa0c82b2f10ce15582596d462af0.jpg?itok=L_VDdr_l
  2. Some fights coming up, any good sites for catching them streaming? Been a minute, the old suggestions no longer seem to work. Much thanks.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/breaking-bad-vince-gilligan-pizza-113368613365.html
  4. Looks like he can afford everything he's ever wanted, except a hairstylist.
  5. No, most of us are gentlemen with canes, top hats, and monocles, maybe a vest with a pocket watch on a chain. But there's always riff raff.
  6. You might think so. There are some who are known for the mentality that they came out to get a fr8, and they're going to do so by any means necessary even if that means going over someone else, even if it's a vet or going over something that burns the garbage they're about to put up. There are also a surprising amount of people on there who fail to recognize that a lot of fr8 is running on a closed circuit and it's being watched by people who love fr8s. Any seasoned bencher on here likely has multiple flix of the same fr8 caught over time. If you're watching the lines it's not hard to tell where someone else has been a douchebag.
  7. I didn't see snitching, but then again I just perused a little online, I don't instaham or use other popular social media outlets. In any event, it's just social media bringing to light the deterioration of culture that has been going on for quite a number of years now. That freight graffiti book is probably partly to blame as it drew the attention of numerous toys who never would have noticed fr8s. On the other hand there are a small portion of people who should know better setting a poor example. Knowing one offender I saw there, I guess he's situated far enough from an ass beating that he can feel safe crapping on the people he would jock in person and who really made the scene. Get your ethics and etiquette up people!
  8. Was in a Whole Foods today, store deserves its own rant. But for now I'll say I can't believe they and other stores are allowed to offer those disease troughs they call sampling stations. On the surface it may appear appetizing, like yeah, let me sample some snob cheese that they sell high priced bars of like it was gold or some shit. But then I sit back and look at all the snot nosed brats who had their finger in their nose a moment ago putting their grubby little fingers all over everything at their parents delight, or the anorexic health conscious hags who were just coughing over the display before sampling, and I tell myself to let them have their Ebola and SARS, none for me thanks. Blech!
  9. Wha? Really?! :confused: 12oz community has always seemed on the line about these things, but given the # of gifs that appear in this thread of people getting severely injured, etc., I'm a little surprised. :flushed: Funny too, had I not looked back I would not have even seen the delete/warning. Um, try not to lose your head over it...? :screamcat:
  10. attitude,eat,food,fun,funny,hungry-cfe460d4f5d7b00
  11. Don't know if this thread can be revived or if we even have enough active members to do so, but I used to get some laughs from it so here's trying.
  12. Challenges include who can fit into the tightest pants, find a store that sells etch, and get Cope2 to rant about you on 12oz. On a serious note, they actually have well respected judges for the show (except maybe 1), which I think disappoints me. Will not watch. But I can't wait for the upcoming season of The Real Tight Pants Wearing Faggots of Brooklyn to start.
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