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Everything posted by Rustofills

  1. I stole a bike to get to a house to steal a nicer bike once.
  2. FUCK YOU FUCK OFF GO FUCK YOURSELF. You fucking spammer fuck.
  3. In short Shit. You dont get as good of a pressure conrtol, as you would with the standard Male cap systems. Plus because krylon has switched to the fantips they thinned out the paint more then ever.( To provent cap clogs and to get the buyer to buy more to do the job. ) Also dispite how well you get the cap to fit, you still run a chance of leaks from the connection point. I have super glued fixxies and fats in place and it has worked out pretty good. You can not just simply swap out the caps though. I have also noticed that sometimes when you yank the stock fantip off the can, you can fuck up the valve jointing if you twist to much ( internal SNAP). Or snap it off all together when putting a cap back on the can. In the end Its just to much work. Pretty much not worth useing for anything other then fills, but its thin. I will say this, The Chome's and Gold are still worth while to use and because of the fantip, it makes less sound and sprays wide. So like almost every other genaric Silver or Gold spraypaint its still good to use for fills.
  4. Cut your self open and finish the tag in blood.
  5. Maken a can colder or warmer is not going to thicken the paint up. You can how ever mix a thicker paint into the thnner paint. Thus resulting in a thicker paint in the can that was thin. I do it all the ime. If you have more questions about mixxing paint. Ask on the mixxing paint thread.
  6. Rustofills


    Perhaps you should read everything before commenting.
  7. Rustofills


    True and Valid. I need a job. Hire me lol. No really.
  8. Rustofills


    Na Its not Ironlak uping the prices for those collector cans. Its The stores that sell them. So yeah, BigMetalhomo is right.
  9. Rustofills


    I see nothing wrong with the collector cans. I was only saying, No one should have to pay more for them. Just to reclearify what I said a few posts ago.
  10. Rustofills


    Too late. I did it months ago.
  11. Rustofills


    I know some of you might come down on me for this, and Im not saying its not cool and all to collect these. Collect whatever you want. But I just dont feel a need to pay more for a can of spray paint just because its got someones mass produced graff on it. You dont get charged more for a box of Wheaties because so and so is on the front. Fuck whats next? UPS Cereal with marshmallow caps and frosted fr8s.
  12. Take the kid out to Trick or treat /get daddy some candy. :) Then Smash his mom. After that, if I have any juice left in me. Play in the dark.
  13. Theres nothing in any of those images that I saw that really suggests racism. All I see is the standard run of the mill anti any powerful leader type of shit. With that said I havent looked at everything from pages back. PS I advocate abortion. Hell I advocate the extermination of the Human race in a hole. But that a different subject. In reply to that link above me. IMHO and these are only my thoughts. As far as Afghanistan is concerned. There are only 2 things that will end all that shit in the middle east. #1 Pack up most US military forces and leave. Then do what the US was supposed to do back in the 80's. Or #2 hit Afghanistan with everything in the US UN arsenals so hard. That the people that live threw it start to speak english like its theyre first language. Which I dont agree with, infact its asinine to say the least. I say pull the fuck out. Blame it all on GWB and charge him with war crimes.
  14. Yeah lifes made real easy if you use the apple store but. Why pay more then you need to limit your self to only there own products. Your better off looking at what stuff 3rd party companys have to offer. I get alot of shit from these guys. Here http://www.tigerdirect.com/indexus.asp?SRCCODE=WEBGOOTD&cm_mmc_o=mH4CjC7BBTkwCjCECjCE But shit man. All ya need to do is use your browser for whats it ment for.
  15. How small you want it? http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.itechnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/atek-onboard-travel-keyboard.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.itechnews.net/tag/portable-keyboard/&usg=__ymszWkPJx9RchtPyiZ4xwvmsHU8=&h=279&w=430&sz=20&hl=en&start=30&um=1&tbnid=Jx-s8dJIHTtFnM:&tbnh=82&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcompact%2Bkeyboard%2Bfor%2Bmac%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18%26um%3D1
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