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Everything posted by Rustofills

  1. Rustofills


    I have never heard of an Acylic paint that wasnt based with anything other then water. I was under the impession that ironlak was either a Vegetable oil or Synthetic oil based paint. It would have to be as it mix's with other oil paint without particle separation. Or at least it seemed that it was oil in all my personal testing / fucking around with it.
  2. Rustofills


    How did you find it to be acrylic? Did you wash it away with water? Or thin it out with water? Looks like i need to do some more testing.
  3. Rustofills


    I do. But the last two mix's I have made were stranger then normal. Both had the sme ironlak as a main color feed Even though I know I added extra pressure the paint kept cloging and droping pressure on me. Almost like the paint was chunking up in the valve. I was looking to see if anyone else has mixxed ironlak Earth (brown) with anything else and had the same result. It seemed to be only with that color. Or maybe just that one can. Anyhow I thought about it after I typed that post, and fixxed it. The problem was I forgot to add a little carb cleaner into the mix to thin the shit out a little. As both those mix cans were filled with thick paint already. Problem fixxed. lol
  4. Rustofills


    True story. I know someone that once drank lacquer thinner. I know and agree with what Bigmetal said about Orr-lacc ( LACC_ORR ). Its not a bad paint. But its not the best paint by far. I used a can of Orr-lacc black and it had that dirty oil in water blue sheen to it, when it was freshly applyed. As I remember. It faded pretty fast. A result of having a low pigment count in the mix. Anyhow moving on, now that we are done picking on ephect. Lets get back on track. Ironlak anyone? I wound rather post thing in the mixxing paint thread. But seeing a its Ironlak im tlking about. It will fit here. Anyone else out there mixxing ironlaks with other paint brands?
  5. For starters, it means crop out the back ground and numbers if you can. Or buff the numbers. That is something that should be a standard practice.
  6. Yeah,,That what i wantto do. Pieces to scale. Not just whole t2b e2e whole cares. But peices that look like they were done my a very tiny writer with tiny cans cans or paint. lol I have a few ideas. But think im gonna practice working real small for a change. Something Im just to used to these days, but have a back ground in. I can see how some guys get them self in neck deep into model trains. I met this old guy the other day. He has a 2 car garage thats all one big gaint layout. He had pictures to show me and my jaw dropped. It just seemed unfathomable. It was a life times worth of work. I almost asked him how he felt about graff. As he was very into train culture. But refrained, as I didnt want him to look at me like I was some sorta asshole. But I bet judgeing from the massiveness of his set up not to mention attention to details. That he wouldnt mind having a few cars running with something on them. lol I might get shit for saying this. But I almost feel like model trains with graff on them is a sub culture of a sub culture in the making.
  7. Just taking a sensus. What seems to be the best tools for painting HO scale peices? I seem to be making more of a mess with paint markers then I proffer. On the few shitters I have played around on, I know its sorta a bullshit question. But some stuff I have been seeing dosnt look like it was down with paint markers.
  8. Yeah. Im thinking about sticking with only HO. It seems like the best all round scale.
  9. I knew there was a thread on here some where. Wish I found this before i started that other one.
  10. word. What scale are you into the most?
  11. Please dont dry snitch. But yeah, Those are pretty nast. I wonder what scale the box car is in that top flick. Look on the bigger side. That jase has to be tiny. Maybe N scale?
  12. The fucked up thing about the picture above this post is, just in that one image. Theres about $1,200.00 bucks in model trains. Shits mad pricey.
  13. As awesome as gallery model trains are. I thought id show you guys what I was thinking about.
  14. Thats what im talking about..
  15. I was thinking that. I have been looking around online and there seems to be a few people out there that are WAY WAY into model trains and some have really tiny pieces on them. Some actualy looked pretty good. Couldnt tell ya if the person was a writer or just a person with a real close eye for little details. But cool shit for sure.
  16. No Kittens. No Hat,, its actually a gift for my child. But you know daddy wants to get ups. Injury: its Atlas.
  17. Im sure theres been a thread about this before. Is anyone into model trains? I just picked up a HO SCALE starter set. with the following train and cars in it.
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