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Everything posted by Rustofills

  1. 16 bucks for 64 pages is a little much. But if I saw one in hand and liked it. I might think about spending the loot. As long as all 64 pages are fully packed and that its printed on a stronge high quality semi gloss book page paper type stock. Given the dollar amount / cost of an issue. I would guess they are being printed in small volumes. Or having them printed per order. Either way, Its not cheap to make a good anything these days. SO if ya got 16 bucks that your not gonna miss. Buy it and let heads know what ya thick of it. Or if you can find it in a store? Do what you have to do. In anycase I would pick it up if I saw in a store and at very least look though it. Maybe even walk away with it. How ever that came about. Besides, I'd rather see graff in mags more then all over the fucking introwebs. I say to who evers maken the mag. Keep it up and good luck. A LONG long time ago. I was makeing a mag, and I got production shut down. After I had already printed about 300 sheets, equaling about 6 pages of content slam packed much like this mag. ( I was only maken 300 copys for the first release ). Didnt even get a chance to finish the fucking thing before the printing company I worked for started fuckingup my operation by changen the why the did things. Needless to say im still sitting on those pages. FUCK dickhead BOSS's.
  2. This threads missing alot of metal heads.
  3. The first Forhead tottoo is almost to much for me. But thats almost. Id still fuck her. As for Sanda. Id dick her gash tell my cock was red raw.
  4. I like the build your own kits too.
  5. Did you catch the other sides?
  6. Rustofills

    the FBI?!

    Heres my advice .......................................................................................................................................... and thats al I have to say about this.
  7. Home made adapters. Or better yet, those caps you can get off troutartsupply.com
  8. Ok its true that for most people. The loss of another humans life can be sad. Im not saying it isnt a sad turn of events. 30 people died in that crash. But besides all the death. It makes for a pretty cool flick. Especially for those, whos pieces are on the train. I think we can all agree that we would like a flick like this with are shit on it. Again I state to make it clear, I dont think it COOL that people died. But the flick its self. Its cool.
  9. I have a couple of BN put aside right now with the trucks off. Getting ready for the very same thing. Just need to repaint and mark them.
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