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Everything posted by Rustofills

  1. I like the build your own kits too.
  2. Did you catch the other sides?
  3. Rustofills

    the FBI?!

    Heres my advice .......................................................................................................................................... and thats al I have to say about this.
  4. Home made adapters. Or better yet, those caps you can get off troutartsupply.com
  5. Ok its true that for most people. The loss of another humans life can be sad. Im not saying it isnt a sad turn of events. 30 people died in that crash. But besides all the death. It makes for a pretty cool flick. Especially for those, whos pieces are on the train. I think we can all agree that we would like a flick like this with are shit on it. Again I state to make it clear, I dont think it COOL that people died. But the flick its self. Its cool.
  6. I have a couple of BN put aside right now with the trucks off. Getting ready for the very same thing. Just need to repaint and mark them.
  7. I do know that I have a few ( 5 ) in the mix the are older era. But that because I plan in getting a older era Engine. Which I havent not yet obtained. But all in that same breth, Theres a yard near me with a few very old box cars just sitting. So I thoght I wold do the same. Get a few older era models and just wether the shit out of them and let them sit on a side line. :)
  8. Thank you to all ya that are liken how its coming along. I might post flick of the whole layout after I feel its closer to finish. Its nothing amazing. Its actually pretty small, only 7'x 3 1/2' But its something to look at :) Zed Thanks man. Those ties I cut off of some flex track that I fucked up. Figured it was better do use something off them instead of just toss them. I picked up a couple of small freight yard building model kits. Heres a little flick of how there coming. Both not 100% done. Heres a couple Im weathering. Not 100% done. Taken my time.
  9. I did a few already. They arnt in the flicks. I am planning on weathering A few more. But not all of them. For personal reasons. Heres one I weathered, that I did takea flick of. I think I posted this already. But here.
  10. Yeah its HO. I did the rusted tracks with dark ( MUD ) brown acrylic paint thinned out with Coffee. But you can do it a number of ways. And thanks.
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