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Everything posted by Rustofills

  1. Heres a small update. Please no posts until im done.
  2. Your not going to see any real change's until hes almost out of office from his first term, if he only has one. Remember he was brought in behind 8 years of GWB. Give him at least another year before you start attacking him. Bush did a good job of cock blocking Obama well before he got into offices as well. By setting some things up, so they couldnt be changed for 4 to 6 or even 8 years from when they were put into effect. Honestly the guy was handed a big pile of shit when he walked in the front doors of the whitehouse. Do you know why Obama is looking to send 40,000 more troops the the middle east? Theres a few reasons. But I will touch only on one of them. #1. WAR's make money. Money thats spent on U.S. industry's. That means money he is hoping is going trickles down from the top and get used in are economy. Again remember BUSH put us in the middle east. The same guy that bankrupt the UNITED STATES. After Clinton fixxed it. From the first Bush fucking it up. Truth be told pretty much every one thats been president sence Gorge Washington has been either usless for what ever reasons or a total P,O,S.
  3. Coloreds. Say this is a white guys tone of voice. >>>~~~~> Look honey theres colored people. Slope, Gook, Chink, Spook, Nigger, Honky, Whitie, Pecker head, Cracka, Kike, Heeb, Jewbega, Wop, Ginny, Mic, Daigo, Spick, Wetback, Beaner, Sandnigger, Towel head, Camel jockey, Ricer, Chianamen, Zipper head, Portch monkey, Jungle bunny, Samboo.
  4. fucking white honky ass mothafuckas going to hount me in my sleep.
  5. Yeh, You spray it in you dick hole to wash out old giznuts. So you dont get clogged up. The best part about that is you can hold a lighter to the tip of your dick when you piss it out. You can turn your dick into a flamethrower.
  6. Or use this. It does the same thing. Its just paint thinner in a spray can. You can get it pretty much any where. It work just like Graffiti remover in all ways. A plus is you can make nice mixxing caps out of the the stock tips.
  7. Rustofills


    Tell that kid his a fucking retard.
  8. False. But I wish I did. The person below me has given a goat a blow job.
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