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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by LUGR

  1. Angel & Zee I have a hard time watching those. But yeah, they do get some great guests.
  2. @KILZ FILLZYour set up looks tight. I like all the fancy colors and lights on your mixer.
  3. Wow, you walk Truffle on a leash? Did you train them to do that since they were a kitten? Me cats would freak out if I tried that.
  4. Probably around 500,000 of those views are from me.
  5. That last part sounds like not a great idea and I hope you don’t follow through with it. Have you tried talking to the dude? Maybe it’s sitting in the lost and found waiting to be reclaimed?
  6. yo that was mad sneaky…..nobody saw that coming
  7. Hey, @Schnitzelcongrats man! That’s got to be an awesome feeling. Looks great on the shelf and cover looks legit. I really want one!
  8. plz keep my farts out yo mouth
  9. No fart has ever satisfied my anus itch.
  10. Snoop done plenty of corny for a check. Assume he just license his AI out and still getting paid heavy.
  11. that looks like port-a-potti water
  12. My homie sent me this today. I think it’s all for show though, bc her cheeks are huge but her asshole is clearly tiny….so why would she need all that extra TP for her bunghole?
  13. Kendrick Drake Cole You know their beef is extra soft serve when you say their names.
  14. I am going to keep it 💯 with you since I like you and want to see you prosper. That video should get deleted too. It doesn’t do any good for your future to continue to go back to this one time in your life and reevaluate what you coulda-shoulda-woulda done. I get it man, it’s painful, upsetting and sad, I have been in a similar spot before, but it’s time to move forward and make the most of your future by searching for and partaking in things you enjoy when you can. You love to play the guitar and surf. When was the last time you did either of those activities? You need to go and do them ASAP. What do you think happened to your wallet? From an outsiders point of view, their is a solid chance that chick swiped it and bounced. Yeah, that sucks if true….but given the circumstances and location it could have definitely gone down like that. Like I said, I want the best for you dude, want to see you happy and doing things you like to do.
  15. Bruh, please don’t eat or put any toothpicks in your butt……or magnets.
  16. Yankee Doodle Drake yodels his battle raps.
  17. Do you talk like this to your co-workers? Call them “selfish cunt ciggy huffers” and explain stuff verbally how you write it on here?
  18. mad sus but not surprising
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