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Everything posted by Dark_Knight

  1. Dark_Knight


    now im hungry. time to get high and get some hotdogs
  2. Dark_Knight


    gotta agree with you on that. Steve's does pack an interesting crowd.
  3. Dark_Knight


    Not a fan of steve's at all. the Hot Dog Inn down the street is superior in taste imo. Best hotdogs in cleveland
  4. Dark_Knight


    if you still have a ps2 pick this up... I think its from the same makers as heavy rain.
  5. Like how they put in the koyaanisqatsi theme sng in there
  6. "I like my dick sucked fast. I like to fuck them in the ass, while he beat up the pussy." -Baby a.k.a. Birdman
  7. i heard you progress in things the more you practice. weird.
  8. just watched Modern Family. It was pretty good/funny
  9. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... [/img]
  10. half you fools need to chill the fuck out. Remember what you're getting worked up over...funny pictures on the internet. Is it really that much of an inconvenience to see "old" pictures? old pics for half of you is anything that didnt come out this week. Go outside or go somewhere for once. it's loads of fun.
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