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  1. PICTURE ME ROLLIN ON A FAT FIRE EXTINGUISHER **so let's not start some stupid fucking trend before i have to ban you both
  2. carefag was renowned for being the first semi clover in a anthropoligististic.... i dont care im making up bullshit
  3. like bruce lee said if you put water in the cup it becomes the cup.
  4. make sure you wear a pez on your head it can make a stunning impression
  5. are you drunk yet! i want to see fortnightly through your eyes
  6. it means you will die and laugh at the same time
  7. almost but i told it that if it proceeded i would take it to a dentist, the stupid fuck backed down
  8. where the fuck is ***** i have never heard of it before
  9. buying ray charles greatest hits hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..
  10. whaaaaaaaaaaat? okkkkkkk
  11. i thonk they rock there awsum
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