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Everything posted by Dark_Knight

  1. Found this on here somewhere...i think in the babble thread? Anyways thought this was a cool idea... [/img]
  2. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
  3. says the dude whos never kissed a girl
  4. that is my birthday. continue.
  5. see if u were white this wouldnt be a problem
  6. Decided to make this thread because the talk about old super hero characters in the daily sketch thread got me in the mood to see childhood drawings. So heres some of mine... these are all cell phone pics so bare with me KINDERGARTEN the funny part is i won most artistic for this picture 3rd GRADE my old comic book character. Ha i used to sell these to people for 10 cents. No idea why they would buy them. younghustleoner 4th GRADE one of my first attempts at graff. basketball is a great word. should of stuck with it :lol: 5th GRADE drew this when i was in the hospital. I was a hood figga back in the day i have a lot more but i wanna see if this thread will actually pick up before posting more. SO POST YOUR CHILDHOOD PICS FOOLS
  7. this. if you havent even kissed a chick by 19 you must be homo. Honestly. i was like 5 when i got my first kiss
  8. Matthew 24: 7 "For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another."
  9. pee in her butt. just kidding. but really... editps. good luck with her, sounds like a catch
  10. is this still going on? i cant find it for sale
  11. hahah no way im in the middle of that book right now. i dig it.
  12. Dark_Knight


    yeah stop whining about your problems on 12oz
  13. Re: Boa Vs. Pytho is ABC's favorite movie. *'dere snake dis big out thurr?!?!
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