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Everything posted by metronome

  1. ^^ Home made hydro vac. My BIL and I did all the post holes for my deck with a two man gas powered auger and fucking hell never again.
  2. One thing I hope I never have to do again in my lifetime is auger out post holes. Fuck that shit.
  3. You guys can shift closer to what we have here in Canada. A mostly two horse race that is more interested in owning each other in parliament shouting matches with a fringe third party that gets the odd political nod to try and pass some legislation, like when the high school jock flirts down to piss off his cheerleader girlfriend.
  4. I have Dad Love for all wagons, those wagons included.
  5. Station wagons rule. AWD turbo wagons, I mean.
  6. In Europe BMW is selling vehicles with seat heaters requiring a subscription for them to work.
  7. So this happened today:
  8. What was wild to me was seeing ppl I know IRL who are way far from graffiti being into D&M podcast and showtime. So weird for the paths to cross.
  9. Chelsea need to address their midfield! Who’s getting the ball to Sterling in the box?? The 4th Champions league spot is going to be a real dog fight this year imo
  10. When I had the covids I had 2 rough days but was able to get back into light cardio without any crazy shortness of breath or coughing fits while I finished up my quarantine time.
  11. It’s not the pickles that turn me off it’s it being entirely about pickles and creamy dill base
  12. I have a discogs acct but it is seriously neglected
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