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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. for Today's image of "The Path of Jesus" as experienced by Lord Matthew Luke, he notes this sign of the "Philadelphia church" located on none other than "WARton road" in West Oz, as described in the Book of Revelation for Ch0's amusement and entertainment as the prophecy of "The end of the world" is lovingly and mockingly illustrated so no matter what happens in future for me, at least you can see I lived a life of comedic laughter. And yes, I will be back with a marker to put up a SIK tag in tribute to Ch0s favorite cheesteak eating Philly representative.
  2. $10 feed from Dominos is the greatest value meal that exists in Australia today. Props to them for allowing those with less financial resources to still remain nourished.
  3. Just getting some pizza so I will get a closeup of that sign designating the Philadelphia church down the road. I went in there once, asked a bizzaro version of my whore ex a few questions and left as I realised most Christians would shun the Lord even when he is standing right in front of their face. Hence why I go to the Hindu temple down the road instead, as at least there my Godly "light" nature stands out in the sea of brown skinned Hindus. lolz
  4. Revelation (whatever) Seven Churches, one in Philadelphia and all that. I will keep illustrating "The path of the Lord" for your amusement and entertainment
  5. Troll hunting. In all truth though, just getting out of the house and amongst the trees (in lack of the ocean) is a necessary part of my day (weather permitting) for me to maintain the balance between sanity and the insanity that others wish to imbue upon me, so that when I lay down in bed in the evening I am reminded that even without a load of money in the bank I still have a better life than others who ignore nature as they focus on bringing those around them down to their lower level of existence. It is something I lost sight of when I was stuck in a glass coffin in the sky for the majority of the day looking out at a concrete jungle.
  6. I agreed with you being on point, but since you found and posted the anomaly, I thought it pertinent to back up my initial advice with further elaboration, as anomalies are anomalies for a reason. I also find the fact that Trump is never something that is on my mind or choose to discuss says alot also about my detachment from politics in the public domain being ignored for politics that exist within interpersonal one on one relationships being those I would rather cultivate. Plus I have the President which wore my number of 45 (as my birthday is May the 4th) to thank for making my USA trips interesting, as I saw his jet as I took off from SFO in 2015 just before flying over the Golden gate bridge as I went to San Diego, and then during insugration week in 2017 I was in NYC seeing lifeless protesters losing their minds outside his buildings prior to inadvertendly getting lost in a sea of people at the women's march. Where my detachment became apparent as I posted on facebook (on my since banned account) that I had no idea what was happening for millions of people to have flooded the streets until I asked a cop what was going on to be told about it being a women's march. Only once I got back to Oz did I learn it was Trump related, and that is when I laughed to myself as I realised how glad I was to be back in Australia where people are actually forced to vote so everyone is to blame if our politicians here screw up. It is what it is, I just found it funny to have had such experiences as they enhanced the story I took away from the journey of life, and America itself. I am not sure that many other tourists can honestly state that they can directly thank the President for making their trip to America memorable as I can, but it is something I can do and for that I am grateful.
  7. I should also add that Donald has the best reputation when it comes to getting attention, which as business is significantly based on marketing, sees said attention turn into dollars at the end of the day.
  8. Was his reputation in business all that bad prior to his foray into politics? As far as I could tell from across the world it wasn't, yet locals would know more than I do in this regard. Yet as a banker familiar with writing credit submissions, his reputation would have had to have been good for him to access credit to do property developments post bankruptcy, as banks don't just hand over money to anyone to build highrises. My feelings is that once you enter politics, it is less about money and more about power and legacy. As we all have seen Trump will leave a legacy that long outlasts him, even if it involves being perhaps the greatest troll the world has yet seen in his ability to antagonise the stupid whom become fixated on those which are not them. Such people make having ADHD a gift.
  9. You are right as I do know all this stuff. Thanks for the reminder, yet I did the right thing by myself given I was under the impression that we would be getting $12K a year more than what was on offer from the places that were trying to recruit me so I would be better off going back to banking and doing 30 hours actual productive work and 10 hours of meetings and training per 5 day working week than working 172 hours over 14 consecutive days for less money. I'll lay off the caffiene this time as it is like a truth serum, and I need to remember omission isn't the same as lying.
  10. Be honest and thanks to your camera phone in your pocket, take photos and detail the additional work required to prove your point why you need more money than initially quoted. Irrespective of what happened to your friend, you will keep your own reputation for quality work and attention to detail which can affect your future opportunities and income making capabilities. As a bad reputation can ruin even the most skilled businessman's ability to make money. Don't let your loyalty to a friend affect your work if you are a contractor, as the only emotion in business is your own perception of whether or not you did your best work or whether you put out shit you wouldn't be happy paying for.
  11. Good to see you pop in. The best part is that the kind words I wrote are actually true. I can somewhat relate to such a situation, but if life has taught me one thing, it is that if we allow others to detract from our life experience due to their fuckery and fuxktardedness, then we allow that person to hold power and influence over us when they are the least deserving of anyone to hold such a position. And if you have seen my recent diatribes on here exposing those whom attempt to infer such power over me in the domain of real life, it becomes much more entertaining to leave behind a legacy of their idiocy here so that the evidence will remain should the offender|troll not evolve, learn, and grow as a person to the point whereby there is no dispute that they will die with knowing they were a shit cunt whom failed to use the internet correctly whilst they were alive. As the internet is made for people to escape the trials of real life, so that collectively we can laugh at our pasts and learn from the mistakes and stupidity of others in the most efficient way possible. Which is why not only can I look back at my past posts here and see how I have changed or stayed the same, but I can laugh about any changes that may reflect how stupid I was or how wise I was with the hindsight that time passing provides.. Which is why when I found I made a thread about "People should require licences to have kids" I made in 2009 yet thought I only has such an idea these past 5 years, I realise how right I was, just for an example of what I mean. When I financially recover and have at least a 5 figure savings balance in my account once again after my mid life retirement I took so that I can now return to work and laugh at my peers who will not only wait another 30 years to retire, but they will be too old and decripit to fully enjoy carting 50kgs of luggage with them as they sit on 13 hour plane trips to see a world I have already seen, a world which might be locked down so no possibility exists for them to escape the fact they wasted their lives, I will get on EstablishedTitles.com and gift you a "Lord" status so you can truly be "Lord Casek" as I did for my brother and the animator Sven Stoffels whose videos I have posted here in a couple of threads in thanks for the laughs and humour provided to me in life and on the internet. As to me, laughter is the only currency that matters in the end as if we can laugh in the present, we forget the pain of the past, and I know you not only helped me get to this place in life through the tech support thread, but also your witty reparte and ability to exist as an altruist in this place as proven by your willingness to help other members solve tech issues in spite of the hostility this place can sometimes invoke. Hopefully this post lets you know that I for one, would value it if you stayed around here and that my commitment made here is one I intend to fulfill, not just for the meme, but how else can I claim to be "Lord of Lords" if I don't give the original Lord I met on the internet - casekonly - the official title of Lord now that I have the knowledge (and someday hopefully soon - the financial capacity) to do so?
  12. I hear you, I was more referring to the double entendre regarding "Wang", but agree that Justin guy would fit in well here if he was to join up given he seems like the Youtube friendly version of this place in regards to his content. I wonder when he is going to make a video regarding the "eels in the butt" thread that was on here one time. Just as memorable as the dolphin getting sucked off I saw thanks to one venturing Ch0 poster. Portalofevil sounds like a place I should avoid based on the name alone.
  13. Jail Time BBC reaction? Hmm seems Tate must have gotten turned out in prison judging by the title of this recommendation I might click on if I dare infect my Youtube feed going forward with a corrupted algorithm seeming as I relate somewhat to his plight.
  14. TLDR. Did training course. drug dealer bitch ratted on me for hitting laughing gas before the class started (weeks ago) whilst she arranged drug deals during class. I was told not to attend the rest of the course due to her complaint. The rest is me venting about her hypocrisy and once again I get ostracised for being innocent of any crimes while junkie scum get protected and sided with.
  15. Well then.... .... Maybe you should send him this video to screencap the Ben Shapiro drawing so the guy won't feel so bad going forward. https://svenstoffels.com/2022/10/26/svenstreams-n-chill-s01e07/
  16. I loved my Etnies I had in the mid 90s so much that I abandoned Jordans after my 12s for them. They lasted so long after I smashed my OG Concord 11s into submission so much that my toe popped out the end of them prior to me giving them to the girl who taught me how to tie my shoes to begin with, Maria's brother Angelo as he got into collecting when he started working so he continued on where I left off in that regard prior to collecting the reissues of OG only colourways of all my favourite shoes as a working adult. Anyway that is all I can add to this thread, other than my Christian Dior wedding shoes which you can't really see in the group shot above how truly baller they are
  17. My collection at it's peak, minus my DRose vs and my mermaid looking Jordan 29s which vanished in my move. The more time goes on, the more evidence that I can show to prove I have had all money can buy that I wanted only to learn it is meaningless. I know I am blessed but the fact I can prove I have already had what other's foolishly believe will make them happy to the stage they are willing to try steal it (as opposed to earning it legitimately as I did via education and investing in myself prior to working hard) as some kind of shortcut allows me to cut them down individually by proving they have nothing now and will die with nothing in the end but my laughter as I say "I told you so you fool!" jajajaja
  18. After the decapitation made in the MIAB thread of this guy, "the Quickening" gives me a Golden M in the middle of a rainbow. That is what he gets for coming at Matthew MacLeod as this is my cloud bitches. A Before and after now the work is done. This is a warning to the next clown who tries a similar thing.
  19. This is the piece of shit who I just decapitated as this image verifies. My family goes through war for this cunt's parents to have bred this ingrate to try and come at me with a shiv, and the above edit was due to not wanting to desecrate my Family with the fact that I have to share a world with an embarrassing waste of flesh like this cunt.
  20. Well I knew from my Dad that his Dad was a Nazi POW in WW2 due to being a Polish Jew. Hence why I was born in Australia as the first Aussie Ozborn male child on that side of my family after my grandparents left Europe (Birmingham specifically where my Dad was born, hence the Black Sabbath reference to my "Metal" heritage being true as my Dad was born in the same place Heavy Metal originates from) to escape the memory of the war, which was expected. On my Mum's side Her Grandfather was a soldier in the Australian Army who fought in the war on behalf of this country, and here is the war memorial I took a photo of in Kings Park during a Supermoon night prior to leaving Oz to head to Europe in 2016. So fuck any cunt in my country here who wants to get smart with me given my ancestors fought for the freedom they waste their lives abusing. You can see the ANZAC logo on the gravesite which I feel is representative of my Shiva link given that I have shivved a bitch once and I will do it to this shifty eyed clown as well if he doesn't stop beng smart and fuck off soon.
  21. Cigarette smokers are the fucking scum of this Earth, leaving the butts they suck cancer laden smoke out of as they pollute the air, ground, waterways and oceans with the very same butts they rap their lips around like some kind of multifaceted rapist with an anal fixation.
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