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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Just another average clear sky, perfect weather day in Perth, so what better place to have a nap than in the shadow of a mobile phone tower?
  2. I cosign what Fist said about it being the choice that only the loneliness could make, and if you need further reason to be compassionate, it would at least facilitate you being able to go on without some underlying bitterness or resentment rooting itself somewhere deep in your consciousness.
  3. Quoted for the new page and to wish for your brother to recover. Not sure how I missed this post over the past few days of checking in, but good to hear that those boards I suspected were death traps actually are exactly that. I will be avoiding them myself going forward thanks to this advice.
  4. I invited a DJ friend of mine I used to work with to the forum here as He has a lot of knowledge and a massive collection of records he has accumulated over the years so it will be interesting if he accepts my invite as he can do all the tricks and is right into mixing and stuff. As for me and having witnessed what the hobby entails, and knowing my appreciation for physical media, I am glad I never decided to move into wax as I keep buying cds even though I have nowhere to play them.
  5. Whilst I appreciate the nuance of audio I’m glad I haven’t delved into the vinyl rabbithole as it seems that I would get lost in it. I will continue to keep an eye on this thread though to see what oontzers spend their hard earned money on music wise. And I came here to post a link to the Passion & Warfare vinyl edition I got an email for the other day but it sold out the 1000 copies already. Sort of a celebration of when I see Steve for the 5th time this coming November thanks to my hood friend scoring me a ticket.
  6. Is that a Bud Light in her pocket or was she just happy to see you?
  7. And if you have read my posts you know why I buy Armani, and if you forgot it was because the Giorgio Armani interview in Playboy in the 1990s where he said he hated labels and over the top logos and preferred understated minimalist subtlety in design. That interview had a lasting impact on teenage Mauler, to where He earned a lifelong customer (even if these days I can only afford a bottle of Aqua Di Gio if that lol) and the experience in that store helped solidify my choice of it being my personal preferred designer brand. Whilst this is seemingly paradoxical to the point I’m making in regards to superficiality and materialism, it is intended to do the contrary as my lack of desire to classify myself as suffering as a “victim” and labelling myself as such to derive power from what is a negative thing is founded upon my predilection towards seeing past the labels others use as a weapon against me in discourse and interactions. The other part of this comedic story is that there is 9500+ instances of Me critiquing my Jewish heritage for crucifying Jesus on this board thanks to my user avatar, so any inference I am not bashing the evil and vindictive fools who seek to seperate humans on the basis of race or assuming I am “Hitler incarnate” for making a joke about slaves is completely wrong. Thanks to all who read this commentary on my morals and the belief structure which underpins them, as you can ascertain the reasons why I refuse to compromise in respect of that which is irrefutably true in debates and as such will never lose the ability to laugh at myself such that I can effectively be equipped to destroy another fool’s entire identity and ego with a single comment like “only slaves wear chains” as his entire identity and persona is not only based on that which is not him, but his desire to show off and obtain the attention of gold digging leeches as though there is any benefit in having such leeches attaching themselves to you based on the signal you send out by wearing expensive slave chains (unless it has a diamond encrusted DAO head hanging off it as I wish to gift the members on this board should I ever be in possession of the finances to do so just so I can make you all laugh every time you look down on it, as laughter is the form of love we can share with everyone whereas sex should only be reserved for the single person you love as you wish to be loved yourself). And there is the boldest statement I or anyone else can ever make.
  8. I spent about $3K in the store that day that I bought the hat, had a personal sales assistant give Me legit VIP service showing Me unreleased shirts and things before they couriered my order to Our hotel so I could walk around and explore Berlin without needing to carry a massive bag of stuff around like a poser. It truly was the most memorable shopping experience and greatest service I have had in any commercial setting, I even emailed the Corporate Head office of Armani upon my return to Australia to commend the girl who served my wife and I. So whilst the hat and other items I obtained as travel souvenigers that day have sentimental value, the fact I nonchalantly stayed at the bar after making my point to order and get my beer was a necessary act as it proved that I am not defined by that which is extraneous to Me, unlike the mentally defeated little asshole whose pea brain and identity as a perpetual “victim” allows him to try and subjugate others of lesser intelligence than the Genius he came up against in Me who ain’t got time for that shit. So for $150 to make a joke of every person who ever tries to use race and financial position as not only a way to infer superiority, but to use it as a weapon, was a price I was happy to pay. If we are in the same place at the same time, then we should be the same irrespective of what we have done or experienced in our pasts, yet if you wish to claim the plight of your great great great great great great Grandparents makes you more “victimised” than Me and the suffering of my Grandfather being in a concentration camp, then you lose the “victim game” 100 times out of 100.
  9. ^ above post is 100% not sarcasm as Mauler is all about good butthole health as there is already enough shit to deal with in life as it is so why let it get all compacted inside of us as well?
  10. Damn I hope you scored that enema nozzle as that is damn cheap compared to what I saw them priced at in the sex shops. Bonus points if you bought the Batman costume to wear while using it.
  11. TLDR. Everyone on Earth can piss and moan about the atrocities suffered by their ancestors that happened in the past, but only a real Boss can look back and laugh about having abandoned such thinking as being a defining character trait that classifies who they are as an individual.
  12. I’m going to bother My Mum to hurry up and sew my 12oz scholarship patch onto my leather jacket so I can wear it before the weather here heats up, so 12oz can get around even more.
  13. I did this when they had a RnB night at what is usually a gay haunt/pub in town which was running some “Wannabe gangsta thug” event I stumbled into after coming up with the idea of scamming gay guys for drinks the way women do to men at bars given I couldn’t afford to drink much due to being broke at the time. So when I was at the bar, some white chick gave a glowing comment to some african dude at the bar’s gold chain, and Me being Me, said “You do know only slaves wear chains right?” which sparked a racially tinged debate which I will pull the superior “My Grandfather was a Nazi POW/Jew which is why I exist as someone who was born in this country, (as my Grandparents migrated to escape the memories of the war) what is your excuse as there was never African slaves in Australia”. The guy grabbed my red and black Emporio Armani hat and threw it into the crowd as I laughed in his face for it to be lost in the process of Me trumping his oppression card with My ultimate joker which beats whatever he has by being 200 years closer in relevancy and way worse in severity given that a gas chambered Jew doesn’t produce any progeny such that My Father and I wouldn’t exist, whereas slaves were at least used as sex gimps from common depictions of them in media. Facts are facts and until such materialistic goons wake up to the fact that I will mentally defeat their feelings with Ben Shapiro style truth, then there is nothing that will stop Me emasculating any dude who is too much of a bitch to have moved past whatever slavery their ancestors suffered hundreds of years ago, when the word “slave” is derived from the oppression lighter skinned “Slavic” people suffered for thousands of years My ultimate point was that the white girl and this African (as are 95% of humans) are both slaves to history, money and materialism, and their actions and reactions to Me pointing this out was worth sacrificing my $150 hat I bought in Berlin after visiting the remnants of the Berlin Wall. I am evolved past all of these things and this event was the ultimate proof as I wouldn’t ever use an oppression Joker card that not even a billionaire like Kanye would prove capable of defeating in the year that followed this event, so any chance this Mars (mining) worker slave thought he had was just a insane dream.
  14. Mauler5150


    Almost makes me want to see if I can get my 360 and games back to rejoin you on there as even though it was laggy for Me playing on the US servers, it was worth it to hear the comedy you guys used to come out with.
  15. I passed up on a night of drinking with everyone in the backpackers here so I could wake up fresh to hopefully check out a van later this morning. I’m going to wait until 8:30 until I message the girl to give her a chance to sleep in a little as it is a Sunday after all.
  16. Well due to me being unaware of how slippery gopnik style Adidas tracksuit pants are, this sticker I was seeking to place on a landmark tourist attraction fell out of my pocket, only for a tourist to have stuck it to the kitchen wall in this backpackers. https://scontent.fper8-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/361621945_1443226936479259_3179689852971286308_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=xqXUvZdhNrcAX8C_o28&_nc_ht=scontent.fper8-1.fna&oh=00_AfAsTZ8lMxMe8WeeWZ5Xp01wp83jqQndlb_JrAJkpJpu1Q&oe=64C09085
  17. Yeah having “been to the edge, I stood and looked down” myself, I can relate to the situation but at the same time if you have read my posts since my return you would have read my thoughts and experience with the big “S”, so I can understand the impetus behind it. And with this world getting harder to even exist within than ever, I have a feeling it is only going to get more prevalent going forward.
  18. I figured as much. but wouldn't that be like the outside door prior to trying to get into the apartments that were inside? Or you think that she was thinking someone had their inside door unlocked so that she could rob them?
  19. Brutal. What the fuck was this idiot trying to do anyway?
  20. Page 2 of Today’s West Australian paper has a cartoon depicting the state of West Oz and I’ll try post later when I’m back on my Mac
  21. Waiting on the fruits of this coming weekend to see what the go is, otherwise I will make a couple bids on the vans at the auctions on Monday.
  22. And this is one of the funniest videos on Youtube, and goes into the whole rappers and “tubs” scenarios that make me laugh whenever I hear or see the word “tub”. https://www.youtube.com/live/oZm63hi1jRY?feature=share
  23. What can I say but these rapper retards whom destroyed the present, future and past value of both celebrity and society trigger Me. If Easy E was still alive, I’m sure He would hate to see what it means to be a rapper in 2023 as even Ice Cube went on to make kids movies to get as far away as possible from being the thugs the No Jumper fools portray themselves as.
  24. Well he has parodied Me down to a T, yet I still have to get my van to go live next to Margaret River hahaha. And I was never that heavy, but also peep the clip length and notice my birthday of May the 4th is hidden there lol. And this ramble has given me an idea for another thread, but I am reluctant to make it out of respect for those whose behaviours I modelled myself upon as a kid, given that each of those featured have all publicly admitted what prices they paid in the pursuit of becoming the best at what they do. Also Christian Slater is a boss, and I forget how many times I rented Gleaming the Cube when I was 6 or 7.
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